Bad Memory

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"Guys, did you see my rings?"

Kweith asked, looking around the treehouse

"Lmao.. wait for it"
Sam whispered to Esferall who was busy playing on her phone

"Ugh...stop disturbing me, I'm gonna loose my killstreak you bitc-"
But before Esferall could insult him, Kweith cut her off

"Guys! Seriously! I just took them off earlier and I placed them right over here! Has anyone not seen it at all??"

"You're wearing them right now."
Vyonne responded


as Kweith looked at his hands to confirm, Sam was hysterically laughing as he did the literal meaning of ROFL


as Kweith was dozing off, trying to process how the rings were on his fingers, a hand grabbed sam by the ankle and tied him upside down the ceiling

" I literally placed them down near my bag, someone must've-."

"You were wearing them all along, next time don't be so forgetful or Sam might get a sore ankle for laughing at you."

Vyonne sighed at Kweith's bad memory

"Why do you even have to tie him up? He was just laughing.."

"No more questions, just go back to what you were doing before."

YAY!! The four morons sequel :D


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