Chapter 6: Sleepover

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The long awaited Saturday finally arrived. To be honest, was very Jungwon was excited. He would finally get to spend some time with Ja- I mean his sister. He had to prepare for a long night. Yeri would probably make them watch movies until midnight


I am actually excited for this
Are you?

Jungwon chuckled, he didn't know how to respond. If he said he was excited too would it be weird?

Probably not right?

Well for some reason
I am too

That's good I hope your
excited to see me 😄

"Is he seriously flirting with me right now? Should I do it too? He is only joking with me anyway." Jungwon blushed at the older's words as he tried to gather the correct words to respond.

Maybe? Maybe not?
Wbu 🙃

That kind caught Jay off guard. He smiled at Jungwon's cute reaction. Well he couldn't lie he couldn't wait to see Jungwon's again. He had observed the boy afar during the family dinner.
He had really cute habits. He wished Jungwon had stayed longer that day.


Well maybe?
Anyway see you in a few hours
I have to pack my stuff
See you:)

You still haven't packed :0
Alright I'll see you soon
Was it normal for Jungwon to be nervous? Well after all he had only ever seen Jay once his whole life. Maybe it was a normal feeling. Jungwon brushed those thoughts off and quickly headed to his car.

"It's best if I'm early."
Jungwon knocked on the door only to be greeted by his surprised sister's face.

"How are you here so early? I thought you were supposed to be here at 7 pm, it's only 5. That's really surprising especially from you."

"We'll be happy I came. Move out of the way now will you?"

"Ugh fine... such a brat..Anyway while you're here help me prepare a little."

They had gathered snacks, blankets and all sorts of other things. Yeri insisted to make a tent out of all the pillows but Jungwon refused to make a mess. As they were busy fighting on that topic, the doorbell rang breaking away both siblings from their useless quarrel.

"Oh he is here! Behave okay. I am going to open the door." Yeri said as she ran towards the door

"I think you should think again who was misbehaving" Jungwon rolled his eyes.

Jungwon watched as his sister hugged Jay followed by a tiny peck on his cheek. Why did this feel weird? He did not like that feeling at all.

"Hellooo! Nice to see you again Jungwon." a voice erupted causing Jungwon to come back to his senses.

"Oh Heyy! Nice to see you too." Jungwon smiled.

Oh boy was he nervous. His hands were slightly shaking. It was his second time seeing Jay and he was already looking like a mess. How embarrassing! He had to get ahold of himself and quick.

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