Chapter 7: Sleepover pt (ll)

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Jay was hugging him.

The world seemed to stop right at that moment.

Jungwon lost it. He was panicking internally. Jay's hug was so.. warm, something he never experienced before. It was indescribable, but all Jungwon knew was that he felt safe.

He hesistantly placed his arms around Jay's back, finally able to enjoy the older's warm embrace. Jungwon hoped that it would never end. With Jay somehow, even if they just met, it felt like he could rely on him the most. Jay understood him and that's all Jungwon needed. Someone he could talk to.

Unfortunately for Jungwon, Jay broke the hug.
He stared into the brunettes eyes.

"Are you okay? You're all red." Jay said placing his hand over Jungwon's forehead.

"I-I am a-alright thank you."

Suddenly a loud voice erupted from the house.


Shit shit shit

"Let's go back inside. My sister seems to have woken up." Jungwon said a hint of panic could be clearly heard in his voice.

Without thinking he grabbed Jay's hand and rushed inside. Who knows what could've happen if his sister found out? This could be terrible. Knowing his sister, she would probably be very mad and overreact.

"We were outside. You finally woke up."

"Ugh why didn't you wake me up. I wanted to spend time with you both too."Yeri pouted.

Fortunately she failed to realize that Jungwon and Jay were holding hands. Before she managed to notice, Jungwon quickly let go of Jay's hand.

"It's fine, we didn't want to disturb you. You looked peaceful." Jay smiled.

"Aw you're so sweet. Thank you. This is exactly why I agreed to marry you!" Yeri squealed at Jay's words.

"Anyway it's already 9 pm. What are we supposed to do now?" Jungwon asked slightly irritated by his sister.

"Well, we could order pizza. Then maybe play video games." Yeri suggested

"Alright cool. I'll order pizza then." Jungwon said as he walked outside the room, leaving Jay and Yeri alone.
"Jayy, would you like something to drink?" Yeri politely asked.

"Water should be alright, Thank you."

Yeri quickly poured Jay a glass of water.

"Thanks." Jay slowly drank, quenching his thirst.

"So Jay when do you plan on proposing?"

That question caught Jay off guard causing him to choke.  Yeri had often asked that questions when they met up for lunch sometimes. She would even ask it on text. Indeed Jay had tried to avoid it many times by constantly changing the subject, but unfortunately he knew he would  have to face it sooner or later. Why was marriage so difficult?

"Ah.. well I was hoping to get to know you more first then propose when it's the right time, I guess?"

"Well I mean, that's a fair reason, we've only know each other for two weeks anyway. You have to take me out more often now." Yeri playfully joked.

"Ah yes yes.."

What they didn't know is that Jungwon was listening from the other room. His heart beating faster every second. Instead of feeling happy for his sister why did he feel like his world was crumbling?

Jay and him had only just met. Why did this question impact him so much? He didn't have to right to feel.. that way. Jay was going to marry his sister not him. It's not like he liked him.. no he couldn't.. that would be absurd.

"I ordered it guys, it will be here in fifteen minutes." Jungwon tried to keep his calm and walked back to the room where Jay and Yeri were.

"Ah great! I'm literally starving."

Let's play video games in the mean time.
"Nooo!! How did I lose?! I was so close."Jungwon cried out. There was one thing he really hated: losing. He thought he was actually good at video games. Guess not.

"Jay is a pro at everything." Yeri laughed at her
brother's defeat.

"No im not.. I like playing video games. That's all."

"So humble." Yeri joked.

The loud atmosphere was silenced for a second as the doorbell rang.

"It's the pizza!" Yeri squealed as she ran to the front door.
They had spent hours talking and laughing. And to be honest, Jungwon was genuinely having fun. It's quite weird to see someone always preoccupied by work finally interacting.

They had been playing around until 1 am, singing and dancing. It was quite fun but really exhausting.  They all soon dozed off, satisfied by the long night filled with immense joy and laughter. An unforgettable moment indeed. Those memories would always be cherished.

It felt nice finally being free...from work and stress. Yet Jungwon was still perturbed,  something or other someone couldn't get off Jungwon's mind and it was driving him crazy.
That was for tomorrow though. Right now all he needed was some well deserved sleep. He could finally forget all his worries, even if it was for a short while..

Thank you for the reads wow
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