My fiancé

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Ace Crib

It had been two days since Iris killed Noah. And Ace could tell she was stressing over it.

Baby come on we going to Costa Rica

Wait right now?

Yes right now

Wait Ace my hair not done my nails nothing

I got a hair dresser and and your nail tech coming with us

I didn't even pack

Baby you don't gotta worry about nothing all you gotta do is get on the plane aigh? Come on

Ace I'm not prepared for this trip look at me

We finna be walking around naked so it really doesn't matter how you look

You so nastyy

We need to get away for a little while we been going though a lot lately

Tell me about it

Costa Rica 🇨🇷

Iris was amazed by the beautiful resort they were staying at

Iris was amazed by the beautiful resort they were staying at

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Baby this is so beautiful I love it *kisses him

Ace took pictures of her the stylist he hired had her looking good

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Ace took pictures of her the stylist he hired had her looking good

You look good baby

Thank you boo

The sat at dinner and talked about their relationship and how this time they were going to fight it out no matter how hard it got

I just don't wanna go months without talking to you over petty arguments Ace said

I understand that but I need you too see where I'm coming from Dante. I'm tired of feeling like you don't care about my feelings and how I feel about things.

I feel you and imma do better I promise ain't no breaking up this time Iris we in this for life

*gets down on one knee*

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