Broken Soul C.3

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Naruto- 3:36 p.m. Saturday, Seprember 5- Uzumaki Home

I stare at the phone on my desk. I bite my lip, thinking of the consequwnces.

If he didn't pick up, I'd be disappointed.

If he did pick up, what would I say?

I close my eyes, breathing hard. I take a slow, deep breath before opening them again and taking my phone in my hand.

I press the numbers that would diredt me to his cell[hone and hold the small device to my ear.




Riiii- Click

"Hello?" A deep voice says on the other end. I faintly hear something clatter to the ground.

"H-hi, Sasuke," I say weakly.

"Naruto? What's up?"

"You're npt mad at me for calling?" I almost whisper.

"Uh... No? Why would I be mad?"

"You yelled at me for calling last week," I say, blushing.

"That's cause I was still sleeping, Naruto," He sighs.

"Oh," I let out a sigh of releif. "Well, I was wonderung if you'd like to hang out at my house today."



"Um,,, Yea. Sure, Naruto. I'll be over in a bit."

"Is something wrong?"

".... No. Yes. I'll tell you later, okay?"

I nod even though he wouldn't see. He hang's up and I walk down the stairs and into the living room to watch tv while I wait.

Itachi- 3:40 p.m. Saturday, September 5- Street

'Gotta find Sasuke,'

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