Part 7

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Dokyeom: It's fine, come let's go now

// He said and both of them got down, they went inside the hotel and saw their friends waiting for them with the keys //

Woozi: Finally, you guys came, how do you feel hyung? *He asked Joshua*

Joshua: Better

Jeonghan: Well, everyone got their room keys, here your room key *He said and passed a key to Joshua* Me and Seungcheol are sharing a room, Hoshi and Woozi are sharing a room, and Wonwoo and Mingyu are sharing a room, Jun has a key, so any one of you can share a room with Jun and other one can share a room with Shua

Jun: Minghao-ah, want to share a room with me?

The8: Sure hyung

Joshua: Wait, so that means I have to share a room with Dokyeom?

Dokyeom: Come hyung lets go to our room

// He said and dragged Joshua to their room with their bags, they went inside the room and Joshua threw himself on the bed and noticed that there is a double bed instead of single bed //

Joshua: What there is only a double bed?!?

Dokyeom: *Kept their stuffs and then he too went and lied on the bed beside Joshua* Yes, are you going to make sleep on the ground now Hyung?

Joshua: I am not that bad, I won't do that, but *Took a pillow and kept it in between him and Dokyeom* don't remove this pillow! *He said and lay down on the bed*

// Dokyeom pinned Joshua's both hands to the bed, he was on top of Joshua who was shocked by his actions //

Joshua: are you doing?

Dokyeom: Hyung do you think that I am going to do something to you when you are asleep, is that why you kept this pillow?

Joshua: N....No!

// Dokyeom came close to him, their face was an inch apart, Joshua closed his eyes tightly, Dokyeom smiled at Joshua and got down from him and said //

Dokyeom: Don't worry hyung, I won't do anything against your will *He said and caresses Joshua's face*

Joshua: *Opened his eyes and looks at Dokyeom*

Dokyeom: I am going to take a shower; join me I don't mind it!

Joshua: *Throw a pillow on him* Just go already

// He said and Dokyeom went to take a shower, Joshua took a deep breath and said //

Joshua: Gosh, my heart, you are beating way too fast

// Dokyeom came out from the washroom after a long shower and saw Joshua asleep with a small pout on his face, he went towards him and kissed his forehead and said //

Dokyeom: Hyung, get up and take a shower, we have to go and eat our lunch!

Joshua: *Covered himself with the blanket * Just 5 more minutes

Dokyeom: No, hyung we have to be there soon!

Joshua: *Got out of his bed lazily and headed towards the washroom while whining*

Dokyeom: *Chuckles at his cute behaviour*  

*Time Skips*

// At night everyone was gathered for fire camping, near the beach side, everyone was drinking, some were singing while some were dancing, that's when Haneul said //

Haneul: So, who is coming up next for singing?

Jeonghan: *Pushed Joshua in the front* SHUA WILL SING FOR US *He shouted and everyone cheered for him*

Joshua: No, no I am not singing

Haneul: Hey, sing any song its fine

Joshua: Then I will sing "Sunday Morning"

// He said and started singing Sunday Morning, everyone was enjoying the song, Dokyeom whispered to Jeonghan //

Dokyeom: Hyung, how is Joshua Hyung's English so good?

Jeonghan: He is American he came here for studies

Dokyeom: So, after studies he will go back to America?

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