Part 8

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Jeonghan: He didn't decide that yet, but he planning to live here in South Korea itself

// After Sometime, everyone started going back to their respective rooms, Joshua was walking alone near the beach, Joshua was finally conformed that he was in love with Dokyeom, this happened during the camp fire, Dokyeom was taking care of Joshua which Joshua really loved and blushed time to time, he was think about him when someone came from behind and hugged him, he thought it was Dokyeom because he is the only one who can do these things but the scent of that guy was not Dokyeom's but he was familiar with that scent he looked back and got shocked //

Joshua: H...Ha J..un w.hat are you going here? And leave me!

// He said trying to get out of Ha Jun's grip //

Ha Jun: Shua, don't push me away *Tightens his grip*

Joshua: What do you what from me now? And I thought you weren't coming

Ha Jun: When I knew you came for this trip, I drove here to meet you, Shua I love you, let's get back together again, I promise I will take good care of you

Joshua: Ha Jun leave me, I don't want to hear this shit, don't you remember what you used to do with me? *Teary eyes*

// He said and somehow, he manages to get out of his grip //

Joshua: Please leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you just go back to your boyfriend

Ha Jun: I broke up with him Shua because I love you

Joshua: Please I don't want to talk to you, just go back

Ha Jun: Not until you forgive me and get back together with me *He said and grabbed Joshua's wrist tightly*

// That's when someone threw a punch on Ha Jun's face which caused his to fall down, Joshua saw looked up and was Dokyeom, Dokyeom came towards him and said //

Dokyeom: Hyung, are you fine?

Joshua: *Nodded* I am fine, don't worry

Ha Jun: *Got up and said* Who are you huh?

Dokyeom: Lee Dokyeom, any problem

Ha Jun: Is this what you do to your senior, huh?

Joshua: Ha Jun, just stop it, I am already over you, and I don't want to talk to you ever again, Dokyeom-ah come let's go back to our room

// He said and walked away from there //

// Ha Jun is Joshua's ex- boyfriend, while they were dating Ha Jun used to beat Joshua, but Joshua he was just madly in love with him more like he was very attracted to him and didn't want to leave him, his friends told him a thousand time to leave him but he never did, one day Joshua caught Ha Jun making out with some other guy, seeing this it broke Joshua's heart, after that he broke up with Ha Jun //

// Dokyeom and Joshua entered their room, Joshua sat down with a deep sigh, Dokyeom sat beside him and asked him //

Dokyeom: Hyung, gwenchana?

Joshua: *Nodded*

Dokyeom: Hyung, who was he?

Joshua: Ha Jun my ex

Dokyeom: Is he from our college, I didn't see him before

Joshua: He is from our college, he went abroad from a few months,.................. I am going to sleep, goodnight

// He said laid down on bed, Dokyeom turned off the lights and covered him and Joshua with the blanket and slept off //

// Around 7:30 in the morning Dokyeom woke up and saw Joshua weeping in sleep, Dokyeom sat up on the bed, turned on the light and tried waking Joshua up //

Dokyeom: Hyung, Hyung, wake up!

Joshua: N...No Ha Jun, p..please l...e..leave me *Said in his sleep*

// Dokyeom shook Joshua to wake him up, Joshua shot opened his eyes and saw Dokyeom, he hugged him tightly and said //

Joshua: Dokyeom-ah, please don't ever leave me, I don't want to get back with him *Crying*

Dokyeom: Shhhh, Hyung I am here, don't worry I won't leave you; do you want some water? *He said in a soft voice*

Joshua: *Nodded and sat up on the bed*

// Dokyeom passed him a class of water, Joshua drank some water and passed the glass to Dokyeom, he kept it aside and said //

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