(S1) 6. Medications

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"How do you feel?" I ask. "Like shit, Stormer. How do you think I feel?" Van replies. I laugh. "Also, it's very obvious when you're hungover. Maybe save some booze for me next time, huh?" She comments. I laugh. "Yeah, sure thing Van," I reply, shaking my head. I turn to see Nat sit up from her place on the floor. She looks my way and smiles.

"So, was it just you two, or did you end up having a threesome last night?" Van asks. I smirk at her. "Nah, two people are boring. A threesome is where the fun is at. Sorry Van, if I had known you wanted to be our third, I would have asked you. Next time, though." I retort. We both laugh. "So, what did you actually end up doing last night? One minute I'm hearing wolves howling and the next I hear you guys howling?" She asks. I shake my head.

"It was Nat, Shipman, and I. We were drinking booze and the night sorta got away from us. I don't regret it though. I don't think I've ever felt so free." I say, taking a deep breath as flashes of running through the woods in the rain flash through my mind. I smile. "What'd you guys do, form a cult? What's with the mark on your arm?" She asked, studying the three S's I had cut into my arm last night. "We each did it so we would remember. It was a good fucking night, Van." I tell her. She nods and I notice a wistful expression on her face.

"Hey, when that leg of yours heals up, I'll gather the girls and we'll show you exactly what we did that night," I say. She grins. "You better not forget, Stormer." She replies. I laugh and stand. "I won't. Rest up." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and flips me off, but complies. I go outside. The coach said he wanted to talk to everyone. I wonder why? "Everyone! We're gonna have a competition to see which among you are the best shooters. We need hunters to gather food." Coach Ben says. We all nod. He's right. The canned food in the pantry is all bad and we are out of the rations from the plane. We have no choice. We have to hunt.


Travis and Nat are the two best with a gun so they'll be our main hunters. If anything happens to either of them, I'm third place and Shauna is fourth so were their backups. "Hey, how've you been?" Danny asks me as I check his wound, making sure the infection is clearing up. "Pretty good, I guess. You?" I ask. He sighs. "Fine. I just feel like I haven't seen you a lot lately. Are you sure you're doing okay, Andi? No offense, but ever since we came here, you've been acting like a different person." He says. I sigh and rebandage his wound. It looks good. I don't think there will be any more complications.

"Danny, the plane crashed the day before yesterday. We were only a few hours out from home. If a rescue team was coming, they would be here already. We're out here now. Were a bunch of teenagers plus half an adult in the middle of the wilderness. Chances are, we'll die out here long before anyone ever finds us. I came prepared with all my medical supplies, but you know what? I didn't bring enough of my medication. I took the last one this morning. I'm going to do everything I can for this group to make sure at least someone survives. You saw what happened the last time I was off my medication. I was no use to anyone. I'll do everything I can until then, Danny. So yeah, I've changed. I had no choice." I reply.

I walk off, wanting to be alone. I shouldn't have gone off on him like that. It wasn't cool. I need to blow off some steam. I walk over to where Shauna is chopping wood with the axe. "Hey, Shipman, mind if I take over? I need to blow off some steam." I ask. She hands the axe to me. "Better the wood than one of us, right?" She jokes, smiling. I shake my head, a smile on my face. I lift the axe above my head and bring it down against the piece of wood, splitting it in half. "Damn. You wanna switch jobs, or...?" Shauna jokes again. I chuckle.

"Fuck no. If you tried to patch anyone up they'd somehow end up with necrosis. Fuck if I know how though." I reply, shaking my head. Shauna laughs. "If I knew what necrosis was, I'd probably think that was funnier." She retorts. I smile. "Sure thing, Shipman," I reply. "Guys!" Someone shouts. I turn to see Jackie, Taissa, Misty, Laura Lee, and Lottie approaching. "You won't fucking believe it! We found a plane!" Jackie shouts. I frown. Hm. "What's wrong?" Shauna asks. I shake my head. "Nothing, yet," I reply. Last night, I heard Taissa and Lottie found the guy who owned the place in the attic. He killed himself. They buried him this morning before they left to explore. Here's what I don't understand, if he had a plane, why kill himself? He had a way out. So, what kept him here?

"Andi! You and I, we need to talk!" I hear someone shout. I turn to see Travis storming towards me, a pissed-off look on his face. "Is there something I can help you with?" I ask, crossing my arms. He shoves me backward, but I don't lose my balance. "What the fuck!" I shout, shoving him. I'm too pissed today for this shit. He better fucking back off. "You know, Andi, there's something I just don't get. How come you came so prepared? Huh? It's almost like you knew that damn plane would crash. Is there anything you think you should tell us?" He shouts. "Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me! Travis! Take a damn good luck around you and tell me what you see? We're in the middle of fucking nowhere and no one is coming to fucking rescue us! Why the hell would I crash a fucking plane? Are you fucking braindead?" I shout back.

"Or maybe your daddy punched you one too many times-" I continue but am interrupted by the pain that explodes in my cheek. I stumble backward. "Oh, come on Flex! Is that all you've fucking got? You punch like a damn-" I'm saying but he punches me again. Damnit. Can't you hit me any fucking harder? At least if you manage to knock me out before punching me to death, I won't have to feel it when I die. Why can't you just fucking kill me, huh? I stumble backward again but still don't fall. "Hey! Cut it out you two!" Taissa shouts, running over to me. However, Travis pulls the rifle out and aims it at me, causing Taissa to freeze. "T-Travis, put the gun down!" Taissa shouts. I walk forward and press my forehead against the barrel of the rifle.

"Come on, Flex. You've gotten this far already, right? When is the next time you're gonna have a chance like this? You get one shot. Blow my fucking brains out right now because you won't get another chance." I tell him, my voice calm and steady as I look him in the eye. His finger moves to the trigger. "Stop!" Taissa, Shauna, and Nat, who just appeared from the words, all shout in unison. "Damnit, do it already Flex," I tell him. He clenches his jaw and I let out a deep breath. He moves the barrel of the gun to the left, away from my head, and fires the shot off into the distance.

"There's my one shot. Guess you're stuck in this hell hole with the rest of us." He mutters. I take the gun from him and he storms off into the forest. No one tries to stop him. I yawn. Damn. Today's been a long day already and it's barely even fucking begun. I empty the rest of the bullets out of the rifle and turn the safety on. I put the bullets in my pocket and hand the gun off to Taissa. I notice everyone is still frozen, staring at me. "What? Don't you people have shit to do? We're wasting daylight!" I shout.

This gets people moving. Everyone, except for Taissa, Shauna, and Nat who are still just staring. I roll my eyes and go for a walk in the forest. I find a large, sturdy tree and sit down, leaning my back against it. I pull out my cigarettes and light one. I'm halfway through it when I hear heavy footsteps and twigs snapping. Fuck. My head whips to the side and I clutch my cheek in pain. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Stormer!" I look up to see Van and Nat standing above me, both with their arms crossed. I am about to get onto Van about her leg when I notice she has two makeshift crutches. "Nothing, alright? It was nothing." I tell them, taking one last drag of my cigarette before stomping it out.

"What the hell do you mean it was nothing?!" Van shouts. I shake my head and walk back towards the cabin. I almost groan when I hear them following behind me. "We're not done talking to you!" Nat shouts. I spin around. "Get the hell off my back, will you? If I wanna talk about it, I'll fucking talk! In the meantime, both of you mind your fucking business!" I yell. I storm off and this time, I don't hear footsteps behind me. Damnit! Why the fuck didn't I take more of my medication with me!? Shit!

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