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Hello there!
If you are new here, welcome.
Since the amount of fics on my page is growing let me give you a little guide. :DD

You are exactly in the correct place. This work is the very first in the series, (currently it is getting rewritten, I highly recommend you to check the new version out as well)

The second one is same as the games - Charlie in underworld. I do advise to read the two previous works before going into CiO.

Then there is Under the sky full of stars, which is little one shots/art and stuff like that taking place somewhere around CiO (before, during, after.)

And then there is Where do the shadows hide, that's my current work in progress, it's about Boss and how the underworld came to be.

And that's all for now. I do hope you will enjoy all of the stories you find here. Let me know what you think, bye!

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