Chapter 1.1: Sukuna Zen'in

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Daigo:"Good morning.. bland world."

He says this with a blank expression as he eyes the wall of trophies as he smiles and begins to look like he's extremely impressed. He hops and sticks his arm into the air as he speaks.

Daigo:"Oh yeah... I'M THE BEST!"

Daigo walks out into the Zen in the temple with a large smile on his face and a giant ego. He eyes the head of the clan who was standing right in front of his door. He suddenly gets tense as the Zen'in clan leader speaks.

Zen'in:"Leave. You've been here for too long without any value. You haven't even gone to kyoto, so you'll leave.. failure."

Daigo, being forced to leave the clan, heads to Tokyo on a metro. He walks through the streets aimlessly with his entire property, reduced down to a bag and a suitcase. He holds a tired expression as he watches the sunset as he knows he doesn't have money to sleep off the streets that night. He lays his stuff down beside a bench as he sits onto it. He quietly lays down onto it. At a cold temperature of 5 degrees fahrenheit, he lays there with no place to go and no place to stay warm. He drifts into a bad sleep and a bad night. He wakes up with all his stuff gone at the early morning of 2am. All he had near him was a box that emanated a dark energy. He opened the box carefully as he unraveled the wrapping around the object. What was this object? It was no other than Sukuna's finger. He grabs the finger shakingly as he feels the urge to eat it. Hundreds of a deep and inhuman voice echo throughout Daigo's mind, telling him to eat it. He brings it towards his mouth with the fact that he hasn't eaten or drunk anything in over 18 hours. He slowly lowered it into his mouth as he swallowed the finger in one gulp. He nearly vomits like his body is trying not to kill him by eating the finger as he quickly swallows it. Black markings appear onto his body as his eyes shut. His eyes suddenly open along with two smaller eyes that are slits near his pupils. All eyes shut once again as they fight for control. Three minutes go by as Daigo suddenly opens his eyes, and the black markings go away. He falls to his knees from his weakness as he's suddenly met by a voice behind him.

?:"Well, it seems you've eaten Sukuna's finger."

The man who said this is quite tall, along with being slightly pale. He wears round glasses and a uniform that makes him seem sophisticated even though it is clear he isn't. He has clearly dyed black hair, which seems to be previously white as he walks towards him and puts his hand on his shoulder.

?:"My name is Arakai Gojo, and I know just who you are."
Daigo:"Wh-What? Huh? Gojo-? Y-y-y-YOU'RE ARAKAI GOJO?!?!"
Arakai:"Guilty as charged."
Daigo:"You're kidding. That's a joke."
Arakai:"As much as a joke as if you're still in your clan. Say, how about you show me this king of curses, and I'll keep you alive long enough to explain yourself.'
Daigo:"Yo-What? Really? I-I uh- I guess."

Daigo closes his eyes as the markings return, and the slits below his eyelids reopen along with his eyes. His voice deepens as he speaks with the utmost confidence. He eyes the Gojo as he begins to speak with this previously mentioned confidence.

Sukuna:"So.. this is the Gojo? I thought you'd be taller. I suppose you're weak, so I'll end you quickly."

Sukuna dashes towards Gojo as he goes to slam his fist through Arakai's stomach. Arakai quickly uses his own arm to push up Sukuna's hand and kicks him in the skull and bashes his head into the concrete. Gojo dashes towards Sukuna before he grabs Sukuna by the shirt and throws him up before jumping up and using both his legs to send him even higher into the sky. Gojo blips out of Sukuna's vision before appearing behind Sukuna and kicking him into the ground. It hits him so hard that Sukuna's head goes right through a 6 story building and into the ground, which causes rumbling over 2 miles away. He smiles as he speaks again.

Arakai:"Alright, you can take control again."

Daigo slowly gains control again as Arakai eyes him. Gojo moves so fast that he disappears, then reappears in front of Daigo and flicks him over the head. Suddenly, Daigo's eyes go blurry, Anda and his body stumbles. Daigo suddenly falls to his knees before falling face flat onto the concrete floor, which kept he knocked out even longer..

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