Sick day! (Trophy x Tissues Fluff!)

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Do ya ever just wake up one day and decide that this one’s not even worth trying to deal with? Well, that’s exactly what Tissues was feeling right now. You see, usually his condi shawn would be bearable enough so that he could manage. Bearable enough so that he could just suck it up and like a somewhat normal life (well, however much normal living in a hotel/apartment/whatever with a buncha other people you competed in a dumb competition show with is). But then there were some days , some days where he could barely get up and actually do anything, days where it felt too painful to even cry for help. And most of the time there wasn’t even the advantage of his illness getting bad enough that an ambulance would be called and they’d just knock him out with those magical industrial-duty medical grade painkillers for the worst of it. Nope. During these days he was stuck with tylenol and aspirin and all of the other SHIT over-the-counter painpinchers his doctors said he could take without croaking out and dying. And they were just about as effective as, say… Your 5-year-old sister singing to you to try and make you feel better after your boyfriend dies. In other words, at best they did nothing, but at worst they made him feel EVEN FRICKIN’ WORSE! …No offense to your 5-year-old sister, though. She was just trying her best.

Now, what could Tissues ever do to try and alieve his pain? Well, he had 1 simple answer, one that the doctors hated! He just closed his eyes again, gave up with the day, and waited for either sleep or death to take him, whichever came first. Now, this usually worked, he’d wake up feeling a little better, and then try to do self-care things. Nice warm bubble baths, comfy pjs, movies and cuddles with Trophy and Balloon… the works!

But today there was just one teeny tiny problem… he had convinced Trophy to go to the mall with him today! If there was one thing Trophy hated more than anything in the world, it was malls. -well, actually it was his parents- but the point still stood. So he just couldn’t waste this PRIME opportunity. So, Tissues got up out of his bed, or, he at least tried to. The sickly one could barely sit up before a rush of pain shot through his body, making him flop back onto the bed with a small shriek. Said small shriek ended up alerting Trophy to him, whom had already gotten ready for the day. “Tissues? You ok?” Trophy asked, walking his way over to the sickly one’s side. “I-I’m fine…” Tissues barely muttered, attempting to get up again.

This time, however, the pain was even worse. “T-Tissues!,” Trophy exclaimed, seeing the grimace on Tissues’ face, “Didja hurt your spine sleeping or something?”. “I-” “No, no you’re not. You’re not fine.” Trophy interrupted the white-haired one, “* sigh * It’s your condition or whatever it’s called, isn’t it?”. All Tissues could manage to get out was a small nod. Gosh , Trophy thought. If Tissues didn’t even correct him on his condition, then it must be fucking serious. “And I know you really wanted to go to the mall with me today, but you’d probably die if you tried leaving the house. And we can always go when you’re feeling better, I’m not that petty.”.

Tissues gave a soft, sweet smile at that. But that smile was quick to turn into a frown. Trophy heard sniffles, and was surprised to see Tissues crying, and getting his pretty face wet in the process. “Tissy… Are you alright? Did I say something wrong?” The boy asked, concerned. “It… it’s just that… Thanks for c-caring about me, I guess.” Tissues whispered. "Oh, you know it's no problem, Tissy baby."

The two were in silence for a few good seconds, but then Trophy interrupted, "Oh god I just called you Tissy baby didn't I? Look I'm sorry man I just- gosh-," Tissues tried to sit up, probably to say something to Trophy, but obviously that didn't work. But luckily, Trophy was quick to catch him. The jock then rested Tissues on the backboard so he would fall for the 3rd time that day. "L-liked it…" Tissues babbled. "You… You liked the nickname?" Trophy said, a bit startled. Tissues nodded. "Well… Ok Tissy Baby." Trophy said with a slight blush and a smile.

Trophy and Tissues sat together in silence for a good while, just enjoying each other's presence. Trophy didn’t wanna leave Tissues’ side so he wouldn’t die, and Tissues certainly didn’t mind his company. But the silence was interrupted for the second time that morning, this time by Tissues. He tried wrapping his arms around Trophy, but it, of course, didn't work. What happened instead was Tissues futilely waving his arms in the general vicinity of Trophy. “Uhmm… Tissy? Want anything?" Trophy questioned. The white-haired boy could only respond by making just the cutest little grabby hands at Trophy. "D'aww, wanna hug, Tissy baby?" Tissues weakly nodded in response. The blonde-haired 'jock' carefully picked Tissues up, and straddled him on his lap so that he could encase him in a comforting hug, muffling his various sniffles in his shoulder.

The two stayed like that, comfortable and cozy, until the silence was again interrupted by Trophy, asking Tissues "Tissy… How are ya feelin' right now?" You see, Trophy was a flip, so he could very easily see some signs of Tissues being involuntarily regressed right now. But Trophy also knew that he might just be acting differently due to his condishoon, or whatever it was called again, getting to him real bad that day. So he decided to test the waters a bit with a pretty vague question. "...happy…" Tissues mumbled, barely getting any words out of himself. "Well… Do you feel any kind of… Small right now?" Trophy pondered, this time taking a more direct approach. The teal-tipped boy vaguely nodded in response. It was clear that at this point that Tissues was dazed and just this close to falling asleep, so Trophy decided that just one more question could close things up. "Tissy baby, would you mind if I took care of you today?" Trophy questioned, his voice as soft and sweet as could be. Tissues lazily smiled and nodded ever so slightly, just before he succumbed to his sleepiness and fell asleep in Trophy’s arms. The big mean jock softly held Tissues in his arms until he too felt sleepy. Trophy looked at the clock, 8:30. A little sleeping in late wouldn’t hurt , he thought, drifting off to a heavenly sleep.

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