Social Anxiety { Req for @H3lpimgay }

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Mephone strolled around his new hotel room. She was, to be completely honest, quite a bit nervous and stressed. He was pretty sure nobody in the hotel, especially the III contestants, had even a shred of care for him. They fabricated the prize, for goodness sake! He didn't blame them for it.

A knock at the door stirred Mephone out of his head, and she hastily got up to open the door.
“Um, I know you're new at the hotel and all, but here we usually all eat together downstairs, so if you wouldn't mind, could you come down?” OJ asked, rather politely considering his past relationship with him. “W-well ,of course I'd like to dine with my contestants, I'll be down there in a sec!” Mephone said, matching the manager’s tone. “Okay, but don't be surprised if all of the good stuff is gone by the time you're there, Lightbulb’s got an appetite for sure!” OJ joked, closing Mephone’s door.

‘WHAT DID I JUST AGREE TOO!?’ Mephone screamed in their mind right after OJ left. He guessed he just didn't wanna make things awkward and said what she thought OJ wanted to hear, but gosh, what OJ wanted to hear was going to be the death of him. Probably nobody there wanted them to eat down there, and if OJ made a deal out of it… Mephone was pretty sure he'd die. But, maybe if she came in there as quietly as possible, then nobody would notice his presence and not start talking about him. They knew that they were only tolerable when you couldn't tell that they were in the room, at this point.

Mephone took a deep breath in. And she took a deep breath out. Then, she started to make his way to the meal hall.

“Oh, hi Mephone! Thank God you got here when you did, the potatoes are almost gone!” Said OJ, greeting Mephone to the table. He sat at the edge of the table, right at the front. Anything more than a whisper would be heard by the entire table.


“Um, h-hi…” Mephone stuttered out a response. He felt oh so embarrassed, it looked like the entire hotel was staring at her. He awkwardly went over to get his fill. If felt like everyone was watching and judging him.

That's too much, you'll get even fatter then you already are.
That's too little, what, are you on a diet?
You shouldn't get that much mashed potato, it's too much starch, grab some more broccoli instead.

It was too much for Mephone. He stressfully added an equal amount of each option, and walked down to a chair to have a seat. To his right was Paintbrush, and his left was Tissues. Paintbrush looked pretty uncontent to begin with, but at least Tissues looked to be okay with him. He quietly began eating. Well… His ‘eating’ was more like just pushing the food around his plate. All of the talking and… chewing noises, eugh, were getting to him pretty bad.

Eventually, the man stopped all movement, his arms clasped on the table in an attempt to feign a sense of normalcy. His mind was screaming at him to just leave so everyone could go back to normal without his presence making things weird, but he just stayed still. Deathly still.

It looked like Tissues was getting uncomfortable with him, he was making weird faces and noises. Mephone was considering moving, or just leaving altogether and crying in his room for the rest of the night.

And then the sickly one sneezed on him.

“-Oh my my I'm sorry Mephone- fuck-” Tissues stuttered out, feeling sorry for sneezing on the electronic. Again. Usually, Mephone would be fine, angry at Tissues, sure, but overall fine. But today wasn't usual. All of the stress and nervousness had gotten to the phone over the evening, and this was just the icing on the cake. His breathing quickened, becoming more pant-like than actual breaths. It felt like she was itching all over, and he just wanted to crawl out of their skin for a little break from the torture. It felt like he was going to explode at any minute, everyone was screaming. Everyone was screaming at them. Everyone was telling him about all of his little imperfections, and why each one of them made her a terrible object. He just wished they had stayed in his room and never came out again so no one would have to deal with her. Robots didn't need to eat or drink anyways. And now he felt tears dripping on their face oh god oh god he was so pathetic-

“Guys! Guys. Just shut it. I think Mephone needs to leave right now,” Mepad shushed the residents, “And Tissues, don't worry, Mephone isn't mad at you.” The tablet teleported him and the phone out of the dining hall and into the bathroom.

“Now let's get all of this gunk off of ya,” Mepad said in a gentle tone as to not scare the phone, grabbing some paper towels and wetting them. While Mephone had gotten away from the stressful situation, he was still very much in a mental breakdown, and having someone touch their face all over wasn't very appealing, especially right now.
“Don't worry, I won't hurt you,” Mepad comforted Mephone, wiping some of the snot off of her face, “See?” Reluctantly, the phone didn't resist as Mepad cleaned him off.

After all of the stuff had been cleaned off of Mephone's face, the siblings were teleported to Mepad’s room. The tablet’s space had a nice, calming ambience. The lamp in it gave a nice, warm glow.
“Oh come here, Mephone,” Mepad said, embracing the older one in a comforting nuzzle – or whatever the equivalent of a hug is to an armless object – as he cried.
“*sniff*, ‘m sowwy.”
“You don't have anything to apologize for, you just got overstimulated.”
“But I made a scene! And evweyone was mad a’ me!”, the phone cried.
“They aren’t mad at you, sweetheart. They just get a bit worried when somebody isn’t doing so okay.” A bit was the understatement of the century. Once Mepad wasn’t having such a good day, and he swore that if he needed to breath like regular objects, Tea Kettle’s hugs would have suffocated him to death.
“Do ya wanna get in the bath? I just washed your onesie, but ya can’t wear it if you don’t wash first.”
“*gasp*, ’m not small!” Mephone said, offended.
“Yeah, tell that to the court.”
“But, *sniff*, I don’ have da court’s phone number!” Mepad playfully rolled his eyes.

“Now little one, how about we get you some yummies and go to sleep now? It's getting pretty late.* Mepad said, standing up from his bed. “Mhm!” Mephone smiled.

Mepad went to his nightstand and pulled out some baby puffs for the little one. He always kept a stash for when he was like this. He handed the snake over to the phone, and they happily munched at them.

After Mephone was finished, Mepad picked the little one up and tucked her in. “I guess we can get you washed later, Blue. Time for bed now.” Mepad made a motion to leave, but the little electronic whined in protest. “Mm, wanna sweep wit' Baba…”

“Alright, you can sleep with Baba tonight.” Mepad said, getting in the bed with him. Mephone smiled. He was happy that Mepad cared for him, despite all of the bad things that's happened. Maybe he'd talk to him about it tomorrow…

Hope you liked it H3lpimgay! Sorry for the wait lol

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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