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Just a little intro before this start. Please do understand that this is all just fiction, not real, so consider it like an entertainment and don't take this seriously

Winny pov:

"We need to break up" I said

"Why!? Did I do something wrong!?" Satang asked

I sat there, listening to him ask questions, with tears streaming down my face. I couldn't say a word and hung up the phone. Sorry tang, I know I'm selfish, but I can't stand the hate anymore

You fans know about us, some support us, some don't and some even stop supporting you because of me. I wanted you succeed and become the perfect idol you dreamed of

Someone entered the room as another drop of tears fall from my eyes

"Guess what Winny I..." Fourth said, I quickly wiped my tears away

"What" I asked

"Ai shia, are you ok what happened?" Fourth asked, running to sit next to me

After taking a deep breath

"I broke up with tang" I said, while looking at him with teary eyes

"Why!?" Fourth asked

"I... can't keep causing trouble" I said

"You aren't causing trouble! You..." Fourth said before he stops and hugged me as I start crying

This was the worst pain that I ever felt in my entire life

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