6 | Reliving

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I held Zuku's hand as we waited for the call to enter the classroom. Apparently to Principal Nezu, we looked as though we were old enough to be in Aizawa's class. We also needed to be in his class so he could help us control our quirks.

Since we had basically grown up in that hellhole, we were never allowed to use our quirks under Overhaul's orders. Apparently, we'd grow rebellious and our quirks were 'too dangerous' to use anyway. After a few years, he installed some quirk cancellers as our quirks kept going out of control.

I wondered how many lies he had told us over the years. They seemed sort of believable at first, but then they became strange, twisted. I shook my head, shaking away the thought.

I looked at Zuku. He was shaking, most likely from the anxiety of the situation. He seemed to do that a lot. Whenever he had to meet new people or walk through crowded hallways, he would always shake, keeping his head down and staying silent.

I pulled Zuku towards me, pulling him into a tight hug. He looked like he needed it, and by how tightly he started gripping onto my blazer, I'm guessing he did.

"It will all be fine," I reassured, rubbing small circles on his back to calm him down.

He lifted his head. "B-but, what if they d-don't like us? What i-if they think w-we're monsters? What if--"

"Shh," I caressed his hair. "It'll all be okay. If anything goes wrong, Aizawa's there to help us. Everything will be fine, I promise."

Zuku nodded, burying his head into the crook of my neck. I continued caressing his hair, hoping his nerves would calm by the time Aizawa called us in. Soon, I felt him begin to shake less, his body relaxing in my hold.

The door opened, revealing a very tired teacher. He closed the door with a small click, standing in front of us both.

"Are you both ready?" he asked. "I've told the class that there will be two new students. I haven't told them your names yet, so I'm hoping you can introduce yourselves." I nodded. He noticed Zuku's silence, his head buried in my neck. "Is he alright?"

I looked down, my hand easily travelling through his long, dark-green hair. "Yeah.. just anxiety.. he hates social situations. Even crowded hallways make him nervous."

Aizawa nodded, hand resting on the doorknob. "Whenever you're ready."

"Hello--" was all I managed to get out before the questions started.

"What are your names?"

"Um.. we just go by Kacchan and Zuku right now." I said, interlocking my hand with Zuku's, who was currently half-hiding behind my back.

Another entered the conversation. "What are your quirks?"

"Um.. we don't exactly know right now. I know one of my quirks is 'explosion' though, if that helps?" I answered, smiling awkwardly.

"Did you say 'quirks'?" A boy at the back asked. I nodded hesitantly. "Wow! You must be super powerful!"

A pink-haired girl put her hand up. "If you don't mind me asking, why is one of your eyes a different colour? Do you have heterochromia?"

"Uh sure, we'll go with that." She portrayed a confused look before accepting the answer.

A boy with short black hair put his hand up. "Sorry, you said you didn't know your quirks?" I nodded. "Aren't his wings his quirk?"

"Um, technically but we're not sure yet."

A blue-haired male put his hand up. "Why are you two starting so late in the year?"

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