Ranma is a boy? no way!

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Midori POV

as Akane showed Ranma around, i followed her until she got to my room.

"This is Midori's room" it technically was a guest room with 2 sleeping mats. the room was huge. i don't think i would be needing all this space.

"I have a great idea! why doesn't Ranma share a room with me?" i said. when i said that, Ranma's face paled. did she not like me?

"No, its ok... i'll just stay with my dad." Ranma said nervously. Akane thought about it.

"thats a good idea Midori! the other guest room is tiny! best if you stay in this large one." Answered Akane. i sighed in relief. i HATE the darkness. having a roommate was better than being alone. Ranma slowly nodded and went ot get her bag.

Ranma POV

look what mess i got myself into! i can't share a room with a GIRL! i am a boy! once they find out, they are going to be ticked off. maybe they don't need to find out...

"Oh, ranma! why don't you go take a bath! you must be sweaty from practicing!" called Kasumi. i argued that i wasn't sweaty but Kasumi didn't budge. reluctantly, i take the towel and head to the bathroom. once i put my clothes in the hamper, i try taking a bath with cold water, dumping it on me.

"Ooh! cold!" i scream. eventually, i give up and dip into the hot bathtub. after i finish washing, i try to think of ways to get out as a girl. well, they're bound to find out sooner or later. well, may as well go out like i am...

Akane POV

As Midori and I were heading to the take a bath, we were talking about how much our lives changed.

"really? thats just crazy!" says Midori as i tell her about the boys at Furinkan High school. i stare at Midori when she tells me about her life in China. i asked her if she spoke fluent chinese, and she answered by saying a very long sentence in Chinese. Since i don't speak Chinese, i can't judge her speaking. as we enter the bathroom, i spot ranma's clothing inside the hamper.

"I guess we can all take our showers together i said. we both undress and i untie my loose ponytail. Midori ties up all her hair into a high ponytail. even though it says to knock first, i enter anyways. once i slide the door open, i see a black-haired boy about my age... NUDE, getting out of the tub. not knowing what to do, i froze for a minute. slowly i back out of the room. without even looking for Midori, i shuffle out with my gi on and close the door. i inhale deeply and


 Midori POV

Once my sister left, i averted my eyes and covered myself with a towel. the boy did the same.

"Um, who are you?!" i ask, half asking and half shouting. the boy tenses up for a bit

"Um, i'm Ranma Saotome." i stare at him for 5 seconds.

"No way! Ranma is defitnitely a girl! with red hair!" i yell.

"That was me too." before i can ask him what he meant, he pours some cold water on himself. i soon recognize the red hair.

"No. way." i squeak in disbelief. shaking it off, i exit the room followed by Ranma. 

"What are you doing?" said Ranma.

"well i am going to go change!" i said storming out of the room. once i reach there, i see an unfamiliar  backpack on the other mat. Whose could it be? then i remember that girl-Ranma and i share a room. uhh.... maybe he need to move out now. opening the drawer, i pull out a not-too-big white t-shirt with my uncle's dojo name in chinese, and a pair of black pajama pants with white chinese characters on it.

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