[ FOURTEEN: When Darkness Claims the Soul ]

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An entire week has elapsed since the day you woke up and found yourself imprisoned in a cell, trapped in the basement of an old shed; and you only knew about the shed because of Simon's slip-up. He revealed he transported you from his home to a remote property he owned on the outskirts of the city, accessible only via a narrow gravel road. Previously, you assumed you were being kept in the basement of his house. However, when you discovered this wasn't the case, the reality hit you like a brick wall. You spent an entire day crying, knowing that your chances of being found by someone were slim to none.

Later, you were forced to face another harsh truth. Simon was in possession of your phone. He knew your password and he could respond to any incoming notifications, keeping up the illusion that you were perfectly fine. This prevented anyone from suspecting your absence. Even your colleagues at work had no reason to worry about your sudden disappearance, thanks to your stupidity.

Simon had offered to release you, promising to let you go if you agreed to call your workplace and inform them you were taking a month-long leave of absence. Naively, you complied. However, once the call ended, Simon seized the phone from your grasp, leaving you to stew in your own regret and frustration, painfully aware of the gravity of your mistake.

On a few rare occasions, while you would succumb to a restless slumber, he started hauling things into the cell. First, he brought a mattress for you to lie on. The mattress looked old, was small and had a few stains on it, but it was a welcome change to sleeping on the hard, damp ground, which caused you to wake up every morning with a stiff back.

Simon's unexpected act of consideration didn't stop at the mattress. There was one time when you had offhandedly mentioned feeling cold, murmuring it more to yourself than speaking directly to him. But he didn't let your quiet comment slide and responded by supplying you with a pile of blankets, a few more pillows, and an assortment of clothing.

He even proposed that you could take a bath if you wished to, an offer you met with desperate enthusiasm. However, when he clarified that this bath would not involve you being escorted to a proper bathroom, but rather consisted of him providing a bucket of hot water, a washcloth, and a towel, you changed your mind. Your desire for cleanliness was strong, but not so strong as to succumb to such indignity.

Adding to the small collection of items he had already brought into the cell, Simon also gave you a selection of books. Upon examining them, you realised that these were your books taken from your home. The sight of familiar possessions was a strange comfort and a chilling reminder of the life you've been abruptly torn away from.

Simon had developed a routine of feeding you three times a day. Each meal was predictably similar, delivered in nondescript brown paper bags that hinted it was a takeout. On two special occasions, he surprised you with a meal from your favourite restaurant; the last time he did so, an unsettling realisation dawned upon you. It was clear that you needed to reevaluate your behaviour, to reassess the defensive walls you had built around yourself.

After the initial shock of being kidnapped had worn off, and the reality of your grim situation sunk in, you became acutely aware that your chances of escaping the basement alive were slim if you continued to antagonise Simon. So, slowly, you began to change your attitude.

You stopped ignoring him, breaking the silence that had previously defined your interactions with him. You took back the words you had said, explaining to Simon that you didn't hate him, and you only said it because you were scared. He was sceptical. You could tell by the way he looked at you. But over time, the relief and joy in his eyes became evident whenever you opened your mouth, even if it was to ask for water or tell him you were hungry.

Additionally, you ceased your daily pleas for freedom, which you had previously insisted upon at least five times a day. You knew begging to be let out was pointless, and you shouldn't even ask for that until you regained his trust, and convinced him you still loved him and would not tell a soul of what had occurred.

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