Chapter 3

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Stationed in front of a massive gate, a tall, muscular woman with long red hair was dozing off in the bright sun. She reached a hand up to adjust the beret perched on her head and resumed her nap. But suddenly, from above the wall, a blade came soaring from the bushes. Before it could strike, however, the red-haired woman snapped to attention and grabbed the blade between her fingers.

"Glad you're still able to do your job even when you're dozing off, Meiling."

She glanced to the bushes, where the Sakuya emerged with a hop.

"Why do you think they hired me?"

She strode forward and took the maid by the waist, lifting her up and spinning her around.

"C'mon, don'tcha trust me?"

Grimacing and trying to hide the red tint on her face, Sakuya tapped Meiling's arm, who set her back on the ground.

"Well of course I do," she said curtly, "But it makes us look bad. And it makes me paranoid."

"Aw, you don't have to worry about me so much, not when I can do this."

She whirled around a kicked a nearby rock up into the sky, which soared higher and higher until it flew out of view.

Moments later, a bird squawked and fell out of the air, falling to the ground between them.



Before Sakuya could begin to scold her, she noticed something in the raven's beak. Leaning down to pick it up, she wiped the dirt off the paper before furrowing her eyebrows in worry.

"What's wrong?"

"This is the Hell raven. From the palace underground."

Meiling blanched and immediately snatched the bird up.

"Crap, I'm—" turning over the bird, she sighed in relief to see a lack of injuries. "I'm sorry! Uhh..."

She set it down on a boulder, making sure it wouldn't tumble off before exhaling and stepping away.

"Sorry. Please don't burn my face off when you wake up."

Rubbing at the space between her eyes, Sakuya headed back to the mansion.

"I need to show Lady Remilia this. See you later, Meiling."

"Hey Sakuya, wait! Do you want to go to that new restaurant that opened in the Human Village later?"

But before she could speak, the maid had already left.


She went back to kicking rocks.

"I'll ask her later."

"The creepy girl from the underground?"

"Mhm, Koishi Komeiji. She wishes to be friends with Flandre."

Remilia groaned and rubbed at her forehead.

"She's strange and drifty, I don't like her. Do we have to?"

"Well... she does meet all your requirements. She's well-behaved and seems to keep herself well. Besides... perhaps she'd be the best option?" Sakuya remarked.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

The maid shrugged.

"That ability of hers, she can become unnoticed when she wishes, can't she? I think it would be for the best if we invite her to play with Flandre, so if something goes awry she can just remove herself from the situation."

"And what if she tries to attack Flan? What then?"

"Apologies, My Lady. I was simply giving my thoughts on the matter."

Remilia let out a long, harsh groan, pulling down her eyelids.

"Right, okay. Ugh, this is getting nowhere," she grumbled.

"What would you prefer?"

"I guess... there's no way a Scarlet could be defeated by some hole-dweller, right? Send them the confirmation, but make it clear any attempts to harm my sister, successful or otherwise, will result in harsh consequences."

"Of course, My Lady. Will that be all?" Sakuya asked, head tilting slightly.

"Go inform my sister as well. So she can brace herself."

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