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AN: hey this is my first fanfic so i wanna know if its good so i can continue or stop please comment and remember stay in school LOL.................but seriously comment and fan ok immo try to boil water so wish me luck BYEEEEE -mrs malik

Harry's p.o.v

"THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL" I ended the song as the crowd cheers "THANK YOU NEW YORK" liam said into the mic waving at the fans "STAY SAFE AND REMEMBER DONT HIT THEM UNLESS ITS AN IDIOT" louis says skipping over to me,i rolled my eyes as he poked my cheek ,I slapped his hand away he pouts "HAZ DOESNT LOVE ME" louis says into to mic. Earning an 'AWE' from the crowd "you know I love you boobear" I smirked he winks and replies "why don't you show me later" and struts off stage he seriously did not just say that to the entire new york the crowd chants 'LARRY,LARRY,LARRY' I glance at the guys as they laughed their asses off as louis comes back to grab my hand,I felt a little spark but shrugged it off as he drags me off stage

"Ha look at this" zayn laughs handing niall his phone as we enter the dressing room. Niall bursts out laughing and hands liam the phone ,liam holds back his laugh handing louis the phone ,louis bursts out laughing I try to take the phone but zayn snatches it back shaking his head while laughing "let me see" I pout "nope" he replies "hey maybe it could be cindy"liam chuckles "I think april or Scott"niall replies chuckling "no way I'd want it to either be skylar or leo" louis says "guys"I pleaded "what about top or bottom" zayn wiggles hi brows at louis making him blush,I felt a pang of jealousy."I'd say .........bottom" louis replies. "Hmm louis for who?"niall asks the hell are they talking about? "that is none of your businesses" Louis Sasses "we are no longer friends" I pout "awe come on haz"louis pats my cheek but I slap his hand away "no" "haz" louis chuckles I shook my head "awe larrys' having a fight" zayn cooed I, I sent him a glare "no more larry til you show me" he shook his head leaving "FINE BE THAT WAY IM NOT YOUR FRIEND" i yell "I LOVE YOU TOO HAZ" he yelled back chuckling.ill get it out of him

"HaZza talk to me" louis pouts I turn to the window watching the people as the van drives by "leeeum tell harry to talk to me" louis pleads "harry could you talk to louis" I shake my head "haz. Why won't you talk to me tell me" louis says poking my cheek I slap his hand away and took out my phone sending liam a text

To lili: tell louis he has to tell me what they were looking at or I won't talk to him for as long as I exist 


I pressed send and watched as liams phone buzzed.he read the message "louis harry says you should tell him what you saw or he won't talk to you for the rest of his existence" louis bit his bottom lip before speaking "someone tweeted if larry had a baby what would its name be and who would be top me or you" i saw a blush creep unto his face

"well id like leo or skylar and glad to know your bottom"i winked making him blush "EW GET A ROOM" the boys yelled "id actually like fucking in a van...............right lou" i winked but damn that made me seem like a slut maybe i shouldnt have-"that'd be sexy" louis flirts back i could not help blushing

As the van came to a stop the boys jumped out running to me and louis flat i winked at louis about to speak when liam pops out of  no where grabbing louis and yelling "NO LARRY SEX!!!!!!" "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT WE DO WHEN WERE ALONE" i yell back running after them

i sat  on the  couch with louis and niall ,zayn and liam took the other couches "so anyone have any ideas on where to go for our vacation" Liam asked sipping his soda Niall grabbed it before it could touch Liam's lip "you know there are more in the fridge right?" Louis chuckled  i always like his laughs"maybe Cuba" zayn said raising a brow as my phone rang"its Kelly" i beamed. Kelly was my best friend before the xfactor shes my best friend she had moved after i left but we still kept in contact though i miss her i tapped answer


ME:i miss you too babe but can you not try to make me go deff

i saw louis flinch  when i said babe but ignored it

KELLY:so whats up


i groan loudly


ME tell rex to calm down and daddy loves him

kelly; well your never there for like three years now your a horrible father

me;i know but ill see my son soon night babe


ME:i wuv you too

i hung  up "you had a son!!!!" they yelled making me laugh "oh gosh no rex is me and kellys pet cat" "wait who names a cat rex???" louis chuckles "two five year olds" i chuckle back"so WERE GOING TO JAMAICA OH MY GOD I HEAR THEIR FOODS ARE TO DIE FOR" NIALL YELLED "yeah now go pack" liam sais getting up'hazza pack for me pweeeese" louis groaned fine ill let them out " i smile standing up and walking them to the door "bye guys" "bye and remember NO LARRY SEX!!!!" liam and zayn yelled "no" i yell back closing the door "lay with me hazza"lous says pulling me down to the couch "night lou" " night hazza" he mumbled pecking my cheek making me feel that spark again i cuddled to his chest enjoying this sleep

AN:so how was it please comment and dont be shy to tell me how i can fix it or what to add to the story i always listen to yawl so for now my rainbow ponies fly away!!!!!!!!!!

-mrs malik

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