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why does my side feel like someone's jamming a fork into it? *poke* there it is again *poke poke* the hell!, "bitch wake up'' an irish voice yelled.i groan opening my eyes to see niall poiking me with a fork "piss off lucky charm" i snap smuggling up to lou "i think the correct term is fly away because lepricauns fly on rainbows hahahah  ....... ha. . .ha-i know worst joke ever" liam chuckled "first a cannibal lepricaun then a stupid puppy whats next" louis mutters as if on queue zayn skips in shouting "HEYO! I NEED MA MAYO!!" "and now a mental badboy" i chuckle watching zayn sing the potty song "yep the crazy train rode into zaynville" niall mutted we nod slowly as zayn litterally drags liam by his collar dragging him like a ragdoll out "HELP MEE" poor kid didnt get to see 60

"what time is it anyway?" louis mumbles in my chest yep i could be like this forever "um.......2a.m" niall replied looking at his rollex watch "wait isnt our flight at 3" i as and that was all it took for them to bolt upstairs ,me barely catching up wait i forgot ziam. "hey guys......um?" i raise a brow at zayn who was tying liam up in a chair "he didnt want me to do his hair.......so i had to tie him up zayn said like a physco "yeah um you have only ten minutes to do YOUR hair so....have fun" i smirk watching a panicked zayn run around frantically getting his hair "hurry up princess" i yell running out "WANKER!" he yelled back i roll my eyes.typical-"ow" that smexy voice mutters i glance down "how did you even fall"i chuckle at a puoting louis he held up liams mr potato and mrs potato. "it hurts hazza" he pouts standing up to rub his bum

"want me to kiss your boo boo boobear"  he nods "get changed first and ill kiss it all you want on the plane k?" he nods "hmmm kiss what?" we whip our heads around to see a perverted niall smiling "take a wild guess now scram" i push niall away "wanker" he mutted leaving "ONLY FOR MY BEAR" i cheekily smile Making louis blush "we should um go" he mumbled i nod "then i shalt get ma boo boo kissed" he shouted running to his room "sure bear"

well sorry for the shitty chapter peeps but i had to update and i was using the main computer now so i have to keep this g-rated so its gonna get better till next time bye my prnguiens-xxmrsmalik

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