Scene Fourteen: Doctor, Doctor

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Scene Fourteen:

"She's in a stable condition as of now, we were able to efficiently stop the bleeding before a hemorrhage could occur." The doctor stuffed his hands into the pockets of his white lab coat, looking very at ease. Yet the serious expression on his face and wrinkles told another story entirely.

"And the health of the baby?" Jordan's mother asked hysterically, one hand placed against her chest as it held onto a used tissue.

The doctor casted a weary glance at Keegan, as if debating to answer her question even though she wasn't directly involved in Katelyn's private health matters. "The baby is recovering. The abrupt force of the miscarriage did slow down its progress, but we would like to keep Katelyn here for a few weeks to monitor its progression. Due to her body's quick rejection of her pregnancy we want to run a few tests to see the prime cause of the needed termination."

Keegan ran a hand down his face. "How long?"

The doctor shrugged his shoulders. "I can't really say, it all depends of how fast or slow her health progression becomes."

Nodding his head, Keegan finally accepted the fact that his fiancée would be spending time away from home, away from family, in a hospital.

Jordan and Christofer shared a look over the heads of people gathered near the doctor. Christofer tilted his head backwards as if trying to say that it was time for them to leave.

It still amazed Jordan that they could wordlessly speak to one another, as if they shared their own private language.

Jordan nodded his head in response, before kissing his mother's cheek and tugging her towards his chest. "I think we should go, it's not our place to stay here." He whispered.

His mother wiped at her eyes before soundly agreeing, allowing her son to drag her alongside as they walked towards Keegan.

Christofer clapped him on his back. "I think we're going to go home, but if you need anything give us a call, alright man?"

Keegan's lips lifted briefly into a smile. "Thanks."

"Are you sure you don't want to come home with us? I'm sure we can make room at the apartment, it's better that you're not alone." Jordan asked.

"No, I'd rather stay here until they move her into a regular hospital room." Keegan hooked a thumb over his shoulder. "Plus, I wont be alone. Her parents are also staying."

Jordan pursed his lips in thought, deciding if that was really best for the overwhelmed and upset man. He needed sleep and food, no matter what his heart was screaming at him to do.

But then, he peeked a glance towards Christofer -who also looked at wary as he felt.

Jordan knew that if anything were to happen to Christofer, on a level that could risk his life once again, he wouldn't dare leave his side. Or at least, the hospital that he was within. He would want to be just a heartbeat away, no matter what.

Jordan placed his hand on Christofer's arm as his lover was about to open his mouth once more. "I think that's a great idea. But we'll be back tomorrow to check up on her, and you."

Keegan wordlessly thanked Jordan before turning away from the trio and sitting down near Katelyn's parents.

As Jordan and Christofer said their goodbyes and began to walk away, they passed Andy who was talking avidly with the doctor.

The doctor looked uncomfortable as he listened to Andy's questioning logic about men becoming pregnant.

Trying not to laugh, Jordan gripped Andy's shoulder and began to pull him away as the doctor explained, for the umpteenth time, that it was impossible.

"Hey!" Andy yelled as he tried to wiggle out of Jordan's grip. "I was having a conversation!"

"An unnecessary one." Christofer mumbled, fumbling around in his pockets for the car keys. "I think we could all use some frozen yogurt, don't you?" He asked Jordan, winking afterwards.

Quickly catching on, Jordan brightly responded. "Of course! When is there a time when somebody doesn't want that?" He looked down at his solemn mother, an encouraging smile plastered on his face.

"New York cheesecake, no syrup, with crushed cookies on top." She responded, wiping her nose on a tissue.

Christofer hastily wrote it down on a piece of scrap paper he found in his pocket. "Then I guess it's time for a detour."

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