Scene Nineteen: Oh Baby!

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Scene Nineteen:

Jordan sat patiently in the plastic chair, awaiting his turn. He had been cooking breakfast, a demand that his lover requested after he lost their bet and became his servant, when he received the phone call.

It was short and quick, but the words that were spoken shook him to his very core. He faintly remembered leaving the eggs to burn as he rushed into the bedroom and screamed for Christofer.

The look on his fiancé's face as he scrambled out of the shower, soap suds clinging to his hair and chest with a drenched towel wrapped sinfully around his lean hips, it was almost comical if the pressing matter wasn't so dire.

Katelyn was fully awake and accepting visitors. It had taken quite some time for recuperation, but she was finally awake. And happy.

God, how Keegan had almost started crying on the phone when he repeated her words to Jordan. She was so blissfully happy.

Christofer now sat down next to Jordan and handed him a half-eaten candy bar, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. The candy bar looked tempting, if it weren't for the prominent teeth marks on the edge where Christofer had bitten it.

"No thanks," Jordan replied, gazing at the group of visitors waiting their own turn to see her.

"Oh come on, aren't you hungry? We skipped breakfast to get here."

He was hungry but he wouldn't let his Christofer know that. They weren't allowed to bring food into Katelyn's room and Jordan didn't want to skip his chance because he was merely eating some silly candy bar.

Christofer shrugged his shoulders at the lack of response and continued to stuff it into his mouth oh-so gracefully.

Keegan took that time to poke his head outside of the door before ushering Jordan inside with the wave of his hand.

Jordan almost tripped over his own two feet before entering the room. The first thing he noticed was the beautiful sunshine seeping through the blinds. While before the room had seemed so bleak, it now radiated joy. It was full of stuffed animals, balloons and banners. All things that greeted Katelyn when she opened her eyes today.

Katelyn was laying on the bed, her arms and attention already preoccupied, but once the door closed behind Jordan, she looked up.

Her smile was infectious, Jordan thought. It was almost difficult not to smile back.

Keegan made his way to her bedside before placing a chaste his to her cheek beforeleaning over to run his finger along his son's.

"Do you want to see your godchild?" Katelyn asked Jordan, nodding her head to the little bundle in her arms. It cooed affectionately afterwards, hearing it's mother's voice.

Jordan swallowed the lump in his throat, feeling his eyes burn with unshed tears.

Keegan moved to the side to allow Jordan to gaze upon the tiny infant who looked at him with curious dark eyes.

"He's beautiful," Jordan replied, taking in his little hands and tiny feet. He had dark tuffs of hair sticking out in wayward directions and he was busy suckling on his fist.

Katelyn looked down at him lovingly, cradling him closer to her chest. "Isn't he?"

Due to the complications of the pregnancy, the doctors thought it would be best to immediately birth the baby to increase it's chance of survival.

They had discovered that since Keegan's blood was positive and Katelyn's was negative, their baby took his blood gene.

Her body didn't recognize the positive, and thought it was an infection or foreign substance, thus trying to abort the baby.

While Katelyn was unconscious, they had preformed a C-section to save the baby, and it was born prematurely. It had taken weeks for it to receive the maximum nutrients and care it deserved in the incubator.

Katelyn had woken only days after, no recollection of ever giving birth.

She looked up at Jordan now, "Do you want to hold him?"

Jordan's eyes widened on their own accord, as his pulse picked up increasingly. "You want me to hold him?"

"Of course, it'll give you practice."

"What if I break him or something?" Jordan asked, running a hand behind his head.

Keegan laughed before picking up the wiggling baby out of his wife's arms. "You can't break him, maybe hurt him - but not break him."

Jordan's throat grew dry.

Katelyn glared at Keegan, wishing she could just smack him upside the head. "Don't listen to him, he's an idiot. You will do fine, Jordan."

Keegan handed off his son into Jordan's numb arms, watching in mild amusement as he looked pale and sick.

"Look! You're a natural!" Katelyn called. "All you have to do is hold up his bottom and cradle his head."

Jordan looked down at the little bundle in his arms, it felt heavier than it looked. He continued to suck on his chubby, little fist while looking up at him in awe.

Jordan felt his stomach drop as the baby smiled around his fist before gurgling.

Jordan's arms began to move in a rocking motion, almost doing so by a natural instinct. He had no knowledge of babies, but something told him that this was needed, that it was right.

Though Jordan knew he wanted children, he still had no recollection or training if what to do with children. Having this living, breathing, tiny thing in his arms had never felt so real. It needed him, even for just this moment. It was too small to do anything on its own, and that's what struck a chord in Jordan.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" He asked, clearing his throat while slowly rocking the baby in his arms.

Katelyn sighed, running a hand over her face. "Not yet, I've been too busy with seeing everyone and trying to spend as much time with my baby, it slipped my mind."

"I thought of some names, but they don't seem to suit him." Keegan said, entwining his fingers with Katelyn's.

Jordan began to pace the length of the room, watching in fascination as the small infant's eyes began to droop. "Do you want a specific letter to his name, or a family name?"

Katelyn shook her head. "We want something original, something that sets him apart from everyone else."

Jordan's lips curled into a smile as the baby began to breathe heavily, it's fist slowly dropping from it's mouth, with drool following suit.

Katelyn gushed instantly, cooing at how adorable they looked together. "I told you, you'll be a perfect father." She smiled before opening her arms.

Jordan's heart clenched as he placed the sleeping baby in Katelyn's awaiting arms. Instantly, it curled against her chest as if it sensed it's mother's presence.

"We need to figure out a name before we leave, or they wont put a name on the birth certificate." Katelyn whispered, brushing her fingers through his thin hair.

Jordan pursed his lips in thought. "Why don't you call him Nate?"

Keegan looked down at his son. "Little Nate." He murmured, grinning at the infant wiggled his nose. "I think he likes it."

"Of course he likes it!" Katelyn exclaimed. "It's a perfect name for him, it's short and sweet. I love it."

Jordan blushed, "It was just a suggestion."

"A wonderful one! Quick, go and retrieve the nurse and tell her that we finally decided on a name!" Katelyn urged, flinging a hand out towards the door.

Jordan mutely nodded his head and walked out of the room, flinching as a throng of people pushed past him to get a look at the newest member of the family.

Christofer sidled up next to him, staring at him curiously. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Jordan said quickly, flagging over a nurse. "But, I think I may be gifted with naming babies." He murmured to himself, his eyebrows scrunching together.

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