weird ass dream

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So one night when i was like 7 I had some weird dreams, but There's this one specific one that still makes me question if i was okay so im gonna write it here!!!!

I was on a field trip with my daycare (my daycare took us on field trips during the summer) to the zoo. They were passing an animal to some kids and when it got to me, it was a weird hairless flying squirrel cat thing that had a clear opening through the stomach and inside was some orange liquid. The zookeeper said something but i literally dont remember what they said but then, i started squeezing the animal, not in the way you would a cat or dog affectionately, but actually like hurting it, its eyeballs popped out and the liquid splattered everywhere as the small animal popped, somehow i still had a smile on my face (WAS I OKAY WHAT) And i was holding its skin.

People were running all over the place crying and screaming because they just saw someone murder an animal that was kinda cute (it wasn't people just thought it was ig) or that they got the weird liquid all over themselves or both.

The dream ended with me being called a monster and my smile fading

..i dont think younger me was okay 😭

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