5. I Wanted

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   I emptied the contents of the dirty glass into the nearby dumpster, watching as the residue of years clung to the walls. The distant hum of the arcade machines served as the only audible company in the empty pizzeria.
   Mike remained inside the security office, I cleaned up as best as I could. As I settled into one of the booths, exhaustion seeped into my bones. The worn leather beneath me bore the weight of memories, a silent witness to the bygone days of laughter and joy. 

   Rubbing my temples, I sighed, grappling with the sense of deja vu that surrounded me. Everything I was doing, every choice I made, was all for Mary. I clenched my hair and decided to explore around the area, besides from cleaning.
   I approached the arcades and looked at the animated pixels, old pinball machines, and claw machines lined the walls.  The colorful decor, and signs of a happier time, led my mind back to Candy's Burgers and Fries. 

   The memories, however, were tainted with a bitter aftertaste. I despised those animatronic characters, their lifeless eyes tracking my every move. It sent shivers down my body, a reminder of the fear from the past that refused to disappear.
   My steps echoed through the desolate corridor as I found myself drawn back to the office door. The cold, dark hallway seemed to stretch endlessly, and as I entered the office, a sight greeted me that I hadn't anticipated. 

   Mike, slumped over the desk, was fast asleep, his head resting on crossed arms. A sense of frustration boiled up within me. "So much for keeping watch," I hissed under my breath. The one job I had tasked him to handle, was left behind in turn for his sleep, now I was the only one left in the eerie silence that remained inside the pizzeria.
   I walked up toward the cameras and looked through each of them, from the show stages to the entrances of the doors. I looked at the desk and saw a book by his side, "Dream Theory". Ness would enjoy this book. I quietly picked it up and looked through it. Opening to a specific page.

   'And though the dreamer remains asleep, he walks through memory as if experiencing it for the first time anew, no longer a passenger but an active participant.' My brow arched, and I almost scoffed at the paragraph. What was this? Lucid dreaming?
   I shifted my gaze down at Mike's resting figure. My hand slowly set the book back down in place, and that's when I noticed Mike's hand softly twitch.  His facial features slightly moved and shook, he was dreaming. I wonder of what though. . . I huffed and walked back out of the office, leaving him to his little nap session.

   I had no time for questions, I didn't want to know what he was handling. Keeping my distance is better, I'm not treading back into those waters again. All I needed to focus on was Mary's well-being.


   The vibrant day mirrored the vibrant moods of the children, Evan had arrived once more. He ran up to the table, a wide smile still spread on his young face. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a warm glow on him.
   "Hey! I just did my hair!" Y/n complained again, pushing his hand away with annoyance in her tone. "Aw! What, you embarrassed Mike won't like — Ow!" His retort was cut short as she tackled him to the ground again. "Shut up!" She snapped.

   The dream continued the same as it always did, "You know she likes you, right?" Evan smirked. "Yeah right. What's next? She likes to eat bugs as well?" Mike answered. "I'm telling the truth, I read her little diary. My little sister has a crush on you."
"So? It's just a crush-" Evan made the same dramatic theatrics, "Wow! And you don't care! Oh, my poor sister will be just devastated! Oh unless you're just hiding your embarrassment-!"
"Shut up, man! She's just a friend like you, idiot."

   The banter continued, the small innocent secret was exposed but it didn't cause much of a disturbance. Y/n helped Mike from the floor, throwing in a little jab at Evan's hit against Mike's head.
   "Wow, you must have a titanium skull then." Her smile glowed as she retorted, "What if I do? I'd be the next Luke Cage." She chuckled. The scene unfolded as usual, the familiar setting of a sunny day with a group of friends and family gathered at a park. Laughter filled the air, and the surroundings were carefree. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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