jealousy •3•

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vivianne's pov••

The lunch bell had rung so I ran out of that class and to my locker. When I get there, I open it up and look into the mirror I hung up on the door. I noticed that I need to reapply lipgloss and fix my mascara a little. As I'm fixing my makeup, I see in the mirror that someone is standing behind me. I turn around and, to my surprise, it's Maya and Anna.

I look at them confused and say, "Hey guys. What's up?"

Both of them refuse to talk at first. Anna hits Maya to say something but Maya just hits her back not wanting to. They whisper to each other back and forth before Maya finally spoke up.

"Hey Vivianne. I- uh- there's these guys who are calling me UGIS and I was wondering if you could talk to them and tell them to like stop."

aw poor girl

"I don't know why you would want me to say something. What makes you think they'll listen to me?"

"Because you're like the hottest girl in school and you're an 8th grader so they kinda have to listen to you."

Them calling me the hottest girl in school boosted my self confidence so much. It made me smile a little.

"I'm not gonna talk to these boys because no matter what I say, they probably won't listen. But I definitely think that you two should say something to them."

"No like we can't- See Anna! I knew she was gonna say no. We should've just gone to Shuji first and asked him to beat up Brandt and Dustin."

"Woah, woah, woah. Stop right there. For starters, Dustin lives across the street from me. I've hung out with him a couple times, maybe I could say something to him later. I don't know who this Brandt kid is though. And don't ask Shuji to beat up a 7th grader."

"Why not? How else are we supposed to get back at him?"

"Because I don't think Shuji would ever beat up a 7th grader. But I do think he can help you a little. Maybe he can tell you stuff to say to Brandt so he can leave you alone."

"Okay... fine thanks, Vivianne."

"Of course."

"Oh and, you are gonna talk to Dustin, right? Because he's your neighbor."

"Yes, I promise. I'll talk to Dustin once I get home."

They both say thanks again and start running off. Like literally running. I assume they were running to find Shuji. As I'm watching them run off, I see Liv walking towards me. They almost knock her over because she was in the middle of the hallway. She gives them both a dirty look and walks over to me.

"Did you see that? They almost ran me over. Who even runs through the halls," she says annoyed.

I just laugh and say, "Hey Liv. Ready for lunch?"

"Of course! Can I use your mirror for a second though."

I move out of the way so she's now standing in front of my mirror. I look to my left and see one of the finest guys I've ever seen in my life. He was tall, with brown flowy hair, and a good sense of style. I've never seen this man before. I aggressively tap Liv's shoulder to get her attention.

"What," she says turning around.

I point to the guy that I was looking at. Her jaw drops. We both stay silent for a little.

"Oh my god. He is beautiful, Viv. Go after him. Please. He's just- oh my god. He's gorgeous."

I laugh and say, "Calm down there girl. Is he supposed to be my man or yours?"

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