Chapter 6

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She had messed up.

Uzi's breaths came in ragged gasps, heart pounding against her ribs like a relentless drum. She had messed up so badly and the consequences of her actions were catching up, as well as the murder drone that had broken into the colony thanks to her. Uzi nearly stumbled mid run, foot catching onto what used to be Leeroy, one of her fathers friends, now a smouldering pile of melting metal, courtesy of the monster a few metres behind. She was sure that if he really wanted to, he could've caught her by now, but he was taking his time, relishing in the havoc he wrought and the thrill of the hunt, if the deep mechanical rumble that sounded like laughter was anything to go by.

And to think that she felt slightly attracted to him back in the pod.

The one drone besides Thad she even remotely liked was a murder drone. The universe had a funny way of screwing with her.

Uzi's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by approaching footsteps. Panic surged within her, but she didn't dare look back, her focus fixed on survival. A figure darted into her periphery, causing her servos to tense, ready to defend herself. However, to her relief, it was another worker, eyes wide with fear, sprinting for safety in this hallway of devastation.

He glanced at her and cast a smile. She recognized him somewhat. She knew he played cards with her father, but his name eluded her. "H-hey Uzi! I realised no one has, uh, said my name aloud so far. So, i'm just letting you know, I'm R-"

That was as far as he got. Before the words could fully form, a devastating beam tore through him, rending his body in a brutal, sizzling severance. Uzi didn't stop running. Not after a display like that. She couldn't, not with the potential of death so close. She built up the nerve to peek behind her, trying to see how far her chaser was, only to find emptiness and silence where the pursuing threat had been.

In the aftermath of the chaos, the unsettling quiet settled like a suffocating blanket over the ruined corridors. It honestly seemed worse than the deathly cries, because the silence was nothing but a trick, one that tried to lull her into a false sense of security when she knew that he was around here, somewhere. A beep from her railgun notified her of its ready for use, and her grip on the weapon tightened. Besides her laboured breath and the sizzle of molten metal, all was quiet, as if N had never been here. But Uzi didn't let down her guard, backtracking cautiously, her weapon poised for defence at a moment's notice.

"Pretty nice hydraulics, huh?" A sudden voice shattered the stillness, jolting her to full alertness. Dread clenched her insides as she recognized the voice.

Oh no.

Her father's visage emerged from the shadows, his gaze fixated on the ghastly scene laid bare before him. The horror etched onto his visor mirrored the devastation he witnessed. "What...," he stammered, his voice trembling with disbelief. "What have you done?"

Uzi's mind raced for an explanation, her heart sinking into her stomach as she struggled to find words to justify the chaos surrounding her. Her mouth gaped open, but no words came out. N decided to take the chance to reveal himself, crashing through the ventilation system and landing between Uzi and her father. The impact knocked her back, but she swiftly regained her footing, using the momentum to pivot and aim her railgun at N.

"This time, I won't miss," she told him, both a threat and a promise. Her voice was a blend of both defiance and fear, though she tried not to let the second part show. N's laughter, once gentle and warm, now morphed into a chilling, ominous sound. It reverberated through the chamber, sending a shiver down Uzi's frame.

"You know," N began, the cross on his visor glitching out for a set of eyes, "I really did enjoy our time together. Those few minutes were probably the best in all the time I've spent on this planet," he mused, a flicker of melancholy fleeting across his expression before it hardened into a hostile glare fixed on Uzi. "But, I can't have you shooting my squadmates with that thing." He gestured to her railgun.

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