Chapter 8

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Looking up into the sky, N was reminded of a few days ago, when he was exploring that abandoned complex. The moon sat in the same position, shining the same light on him as it did days prior. The orb of light in the night sky had always been one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen. He'd never stop to think that one day, it just might be the last thing he ever saw.

He couldn't feel his body. None of his limbs responded to the efforts he made to try and move them. Not even the craving for oil or the heat from his systems could be felt, only the ghost sensation of the virus gun as J withdrew the device, leaving its little payload drilled into his chest. The lack of sensation was soon replaced by an almost strangling feeling encompassing N-no doubt the virus working its way through his system, shutting them down one by one. He was helpless to its influence, resigned to laying down, staring up at the moon as the length of his life slowly ticked away.

There was a crunch of snow as J stepped closer, entering his vision and blocking his view. Despite the scuffle they just had, she was still as elegant as ever, with her graceful features and well kept appearance. While he did think the moon beautiful, nothing could have compared to what he saw at that moment: J's sombre gaze bearing down on him, with the moon behind her illuminating her face. She was breathtaking, as if some master painter had sculpted her from years and years of hard work. The sight was gorgeous, but not quite perfect. Not there just yet. He reckoned that if she just smiled, even a little, what he saw could've been considered a masterpiece; one of those rare moments in your life that you only ever witnessed once. But J rarely smiled, if ever, which was such a shame since N thought she had a beautiful smile.

Which is why he especially hated that expression she had on her face right now. She looked defeated, despite winning the fight. And he hated it all the more since it was directed at him. He never liked disappointing J, and J never liked being disappointed-that he learnt from many, many punishments-but from all those hazings and beratings, J had always been angry, never sad. The look she had reminded him of those sad puppy pictures he liked to look at in his spare time, adorable yet heart-wrenching, but this was even worse because he was the reason she looked like that.

"I'm sorry, N," she said once again. This time wasn't as monotone as the last, carrying actual weight behind them. Her voice was quiet, and lacked the edge of superiority and snark that was normal in J's tone.

It was off putting.

He watched as her stare left him, locking onto the bunker entrance, and the reason he was here in the first place surfaced in his mind. He needed to stop J from getting back inside. He was already unsure if Uzi could stop V, railgun or not. Afterall, he was the least efficient hunter of the squad, and the weapon had failed to put him down. V wouldn't make the same mistakes he did, nor would she give the purple haired worker any chance to actually use it. The odds for Uzi actually winning the fight were already slim, but if J got back in and joined up with the insane instigator, then that colony's chance of survival would drop from slim to nothing. He had to stop her somehow.

J slowly left his view till all he could hear were her footsteps, which were getting fainter and fainter by the second. His dying core skipped a beat, and he desperately called out to her.


He heard her halt and felt her gaze on him despite being unable to move his head. He felt some form of relief settle, but it didn't last long. What could he actually do in this situation? He was immobile and dying. He was useless in this situation.

"Just like always," N sadly thought to himself.

When five seconds had passed with N remaining silent in thought, J shook her head despondently and continued her trek back. She bit her lip at N's distressed calls to her, hoping that the pain would distract her. By all means, she wanted nothing more than to pull that virus out, but...he had broken the trust of the company, and by that definition, he had broken her trust. And all for what? To befriend the moronic sentient life called worker drones? What purpose did that serve? N had made a lot of mistakes in his life, all which she could overlook.

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