Chapter Twelve

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Mattheo's pov

I can't believe Harry wished Elara to kill herself. I couldn't see Elara's face because I was standing right behind her but by the sound of her voice, I knew it hurt. She basically disowned herself from her own family. When she walked off toward the quidditch tents we all followed. I could hear McGonagall scolding Harry and giving him detention.

Pansy, Astoria, Enzo, Blaise, Draco, Theodore, and I saw Elara walk into the tent so we jogged to her. When we walked into the tent Elara had completely broken down. She was crying with her head leaning against one of the cabinets.

"Elara," Pansy said in a worried tone.

"Why?" Elara asks us, turning around with tears in her eyes.

"What?" Pansy asks her.

"Why did he have to do that? Why did he have to betray me again? WHY?!" Elara asks, shouting.

"He didn't mean it. He'll come and apologize to you, he'll regret it," Astoria tells her.

"No, he won't. Fuck him. Fuck this," Elara says, ripping her heart-shaped locket necklace off her neck and throwing it across the room.

I noticed over the past few weeks that she always wears that necklace. Every time I'm around her I can see it over her clothes or I can see the chain around her neck when it's under her shirt. She never takes it off.

"Elara. Don't give up, everything Harry said was wrong," Pansy told her.

I walked over to get her locket. I picked it up and opened it. Inside were two pictures. On the right was a picture of her parents and on the left were her and Harry when they were young. She told me she cherishes her family, I assume she always wears this locket as a way to always be close with them.

"Elara, listen to me," Pansy said, walking up to her.

"He's right though," Elara tells her.

I look up from the locket and at Elara.

"What?" Enzo asks her.

"When Dumbledore found us after Voldemort came. I was in a room on the other side of the house. My door was wide open. My dad died in the hallway leading to Harry's room. My mom died in Harry's room, she sacrificed herself to save him. They never protected me," Elara tells us.

Everyone goes silent, not knowing what to say.

"You love your family though," I say.

She looks up at me and I walk closer to her, holding her locket.

"You told me you cherish your family. You even wear this locket as a way to stay close to them," I tell her, now standing in front of her.

"Why should I continue to care when all they've ever done is disappoint me?" she asks me.

"Because you have hope. You defended your brother to me even though he treats you poorly because you love him. Your quidditch number is 27 because your dad was born on the 27th and he was a chaser, like you. You work extra hard in potions because your mom loved potions and you use it as a way to be close to her. You love your family. And I promise, when the time comes they will repay your love and support." I tell Elara.

She looks at me surprised, but at least her tears have stopped.

"How do you know all that?" Enzo asks me.

"It's not that hard to figure out, you just gotta pay attention," I tell him.

I look back at Elara. She looks me in the eyes. She still looks very heartbroken and on the verge of tears. I feel like I should hug her...

Tears start to fall from her face again so I get closer to her and pull her into a hug. I don't think I've ever hugged someone like this. Regardless, I try to comfort her. As soon as I hug her though, she breaks down into tears and hugs me back. I stroke her head and do my best to calm her down. I can feel the others staring at us but I ignore them. At this moment, all I care about is Elara.

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