Part 9 Caught in Conversation

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Taylor enters the living room and notices her husband Jay and her best friend Bella engaged in a serious conversation. She approaches them with a sense of doubt.

TAYLOR (slightly concerned) Hey, what's going on here?

JAY (trying to divert the topic) Oh, we were just discussing some random stuff, nothing important.

BELLA (looking guilty) Actually, Taylor, there's something I need to tell you...

Jay was shocked. He really don't want Bella to talk to his wife.

Suddenly, Jay leans in and gently kisses Taylor. The room becomes silent as they share an intimate moment. Taylor totally forgot about her friend Bella.

JAY (whispering) Taylor, you mean the world to me. I can't imagine my life without you.

TAYLOR (smiling) Jay, you always know how to make me feel special. I love you more than words can express.

Bella rolls her eyes and exits the room, giving them the privacy they need.

Bella's heart pounded with anger as she watched Jay and his wife, Taylor, from a distance. Seeing them together, happy and in love, ignited a fire within her. She couldn't bear to see the man she still loved, now belonging to another.

Driven by her emotions, Bella embarked on a twisted plan to separate Jay and Taylor.

Driven by her emotions, Bella embarked on a twisted plan to separate Jay and Taylor

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After 1 month

Bella and Taylor are sitting on a couch, sipping tea.

You know, Taylor, I've been thinking... Do you ever get the feeling that Jay might still have feelings for his ex?

Taylor looks surprised.

What? No, why would you say that?

Well, I've noticed some things lately. Like the way he talks to you, your love seems fake to me.

Taylor starts to look worried.

I never really thought about it. But now that you mention it, I guess there have been some moments that made me wonder.

Exactly! And remember that time we saw Jay and a lady together at the coffee shop? They seemed awfully cozy.

Taylor's expression turns from worry to concern.

I thought they were just catching up as friends. He told me that she is his business associate. But now... I don't know what to think.

I don't want to alarm you, Taylor, but I think it's important to be aware of these things. You deserve someone who is fully committed to you. 

Taylor takes a deep breath.

You're right, Bella. I need to have a conversation with Jay and address these concerns. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

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