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JAY (angry) Bella, why are you creating so much trouble in my marriage with Taylor?

BELLA (defiant) Oh please, Jay! Don't act like you're innocent in all of this!

Jay slams his fist on the table, causing Bella to look over in surprise.

JAY (raising his voice) I have done nothing wrong! Taylor and I were happy until you came back into the picture.

BELLA (sarcastically) Oh, so it's all my fault? You conveniently forget how you used to treat me when we were together? You said you only loved me. You even used me after your marraige.

Jay stands up, towering over Bella, his anger palpable.

JAY (furious) You know damn well that was a long time ago! I've changed, Bella. I've grown up. But you, you're still causing chaos wherever you go.

BELLA (mocking) Oh, spare me the sob story. Taylor deserves to know the truth about who you really are.

Jay clenches his fists, struggling to control his rage.

JAY (gritting his teeth) Stay away from my marriage, Bella. I won't let you ruin it.

BELLA (smirking) We'll see about that, Jay.

Bella turns and walks away, leaving Jay seething with anger.

Taylor sat in her car, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly

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Taylor sat in her car, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. She took a deep breath, staring at the house in front of her.

She stepped out of the car and approached Bella's front door. As she raised her hand to knock, doubts flooded her mind. What if Bella refused to talk to her? What if hearing the truth about Jay's affair would only bring more pain? But she heard Bella is talking to someone. So she slowly peeked inside through windows and was shocked to see that her husband Jay is with Bella! There, in the dimly lit living room, she saw Jay locked in a passionate embrace with Bella, his ex-girlfriend from years ago.

Her heart shattered into a thousand pieces. Anger and betrayal surged through her veins, consuming every inch of her being. She stood there, frozen in disbelief, as the scene unfolded before her eyes. Tears welled up, threatening to spill over, but she refused to let them fall.

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