chapter 18

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"It's about time they should be coming so I'll be taking my leave its time to do some investigating of my own." Said Naruto as he kissed Haku before teleporting. "*sigh* Now the only problem is these trouble makers but I'll miss his cooking oh well." She said as she did some cleaning as soon she felt their chakra as she opened the door before they knocked.

"Hello may I help you?" She asked with a sweet smile as they were amazed by her beauty. "Uhh right we are here to ask you about your relations with Naruto." He said as she sighed letting them in. "Well what do you want to know about him." She asked as they heard no such disdain she said him. "Right what was Naruto to you." Narumi asked with some curiosity.  "Well Naruto Uzukaze was my boyfriend and I still don't believe he would stoop so low." She said honestly as their was no lie in that sentence. "Right i see I want to ask if you knew about any scroll he would try to hide." Menma asked as she took a thinking pose. "Hmmmm... oh right the scroll of Hajun." She said as they looked confused they never heard of such a weird name. "What?" They asked as she giggled as she was no different from them. "It was effectively a seal preventing the soul of this great calamity from finding a host and from what he said it could end the shinobi world." She explained with a serious tone as they understood She wasn't joking. "Wait if it's that dangerous shouldn't be somewhere in the Konoha safes?" Menma asked as she shook her head. "They were 2 reasons why 1. Is you, your village or any other are far to weak to make sure it's safe from those who wish to unseal him and 2. Someone would most likely try to unseal him to attempt sealing him into a vessel to gain more power which unlike the tailed beast currently he does not have a match seeing as how Naru is dead the only thing I know could match it was I believe the 10 tails from the era of the sage of six paths."

She explained as even though their pride was hurt because she was calling them weak but then again she isn't wrong they were both unable to defeat pein and one died because of that while a large portion of the village was destroyed plus he wasn't even the strongest as Ragnarok dismantled Kumo and recently Iwa by himself so she had every right to say that. "Look I'll take a look at those scrolls and tell you if I find anything useful." She said as they looked surprised at her chakra mastery as though they were reluctant they gave it to her anyway.

She reads carefully as she explained to them that this is his training regime used to improve Chakra in all aspects considerably as well as one to improve the body as she wrote everything on 2 different scrolls as they were amazed by the difficulty of it but the advantages were ridiculous this scrolls can turn civilian Gennin stats to a Anbu captain in a 6 months time they were excited but were stopped by Haku asking a question. "What do you think about your brother being executed by the charge of treason?" Asked Haku as they couldn't find a answer as part of them told them that he would never stoop so low but the evidence was their... or maybe it was planned. "Well I'm waiting for your answer." Said Haku as they flinched at the tone but before the could answer they heard crying as she sigh teleporting then coming back as she had a bottle in her hands which she used her fire affinity to warm the bottle before feeding Hitsuguya. "Well?" She asked as Menma decides to answer. "Well at the time I didn't want to believe that he would stoop so low but they was a lot of undeniable evidence. But now I'm not sure if he Did try to kidnap Hinata or betraying his home." He said as she was a bit curious. "We discovered that maybe he was possibly framed and planned against. Naruto had honor and would never fight someone who couldn't fight back and it was a bit suspicious that he would try to take Hinata for himself if he had someone as beautiful as yourself." Narumi said as she giggled a bit amused by their answers soon they took the scrolls, stood up and bow. "Thank you Haku-sama you have helped us a lot." They said in unison while bowing as she smiled. "No worries just do me a favor and make sure that if he was framed that you will clean his name." She said as they nodded in acknowledgement as they left.

"My my seems like someone has the nerve to try and poison my children.*ominous smile* your as good dead." She said as she looked to the side to see Sasori and Konan an extremly far distance as they soon run away but they knew that they couldn't afford to return to the hideout so they could only run away. "How could she see through my poison and see us?!?" Asked Sasori as they were sweating. "I'm not sure but we have to prepare for the fight of our lives." She said as she was terrified at the bloodlust directed towards her.

"Is it just me or did she looked rather mad for a split second when she fed the baby?" Narumi asked as she remembered the spike in chakra with her eyebrow twitching. "Now that you mentioned it yeah she did maybe it's because the milk was a bit expired and she wants only the freshest for her kid, dad did say mom did the same." Said Menma with a shrug as she could see that happening as they didn't think to much of it as they continued jumping from tree to tree.

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