Chapter 5

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"team A ready?" "ready." said Naruko and Sakura "team B ready" "ready." said Sasuke and Menma. "Team C is ready" said Kakashi and Kushina. They were on a mission to catch Tora the cat as Naruto was doing deliveries around Konoha. Soon the surrounding him as when the 4 genin jumped on it, it jumped on top of the pile as it ran away. "damnit we were so close" said Menma. "oh hey you guys still trying to catch the cat?" said Naruto as they could hear the sarcasm in his voice. "well maybe if my big brother wasn't on his as-" "language" interrupted Naruto. "sorry, maybe if you were helping us we would have cought him." said Naruko. "well since you asked so nicely *whistles* he will be here in a moment." said Naruto. "do you think that will work? " asked Sasuke sarcastically as soon he ate his word when a cat jumped on Naruto going into his hands while purring and rubbing herself on him. "you were saying?" he laughed as he saw Sasuke glare at him. "alright you 2 let's get to the hokage."

Hokage tower

"I take it you completed all your missions?" he said to Naruto as he was doing 10 d-rank missions at the same time. "yep all done bringing us to 41 d-rank missions." said a smiling Naruto. "okay seeing as how you have done the required amount of missions we will give you a C-rank mission. Please come in." said Minato as a man with sake in his hand as he was drunk. "so this is the body guards I'm stuck with only compatent one is the tall blonde boy*points at Naruto*" said the bridge builder as this is Tazuna. "I assure you that they are all good for this mission." said Minato. As Naruko took his sake. "you were saying?" she asked as Naruto bonked her on the head. "apologies Tazuna Sama but we will have to leave so we can prepare." said Naruto formally. This shocked them all as they never heard him talk in a formal manner he learned this when he was still heir but gave it up as he completed buddas training as he saw it as a shackle to being free as his parents were okay with it as they did spare some time to teach him the responsibilities of being heir they could use that time to train them. "very well guys go prepare for mission." said Kakashi as he saw Naruto leaving already. 'this could be interestingaybe I could find info on that Rinnegan fellow he did have similar Chakra I just didn't notice at the time.' he thought as he sighed annoyed with how easily unidentified people like him are roaming around.


"welcome genin. To the Konoha gates so what have you brought?" I bought some kunai, shuriken, pre-cooked food, water, a map and some sealed tents" said Naruto. "I brought some kunai, shuriken, some armor, a lot of ramen and my dad's kunai" said Menma as Kushina took the three pronged kunai as she put it away. "I brought some kunai, shuriken, ramen and some extra clothes" said Naruko "I brought some kunai, shuriken and tags." said Sasuke "I brought some rope, kunai, shuriken, some tags and 5 pairs of clothes and make up" she said as Naruto face palmed that they all forgot to get some scrolls as he sighs. "lucky for us I brought some extra storage scrolls since you forgot to get some yourselves" he said giving his slightly embarrassed teammates am extra scroll to seal the items away. Soon they were on the move. As they were walking he with Kakashi and Kushina saw through the genjustu as they were on guard as he took out some explosive tagged shuriken which transformed into candy balls he 'accidentally' dropped them. "damnit they were my only pack he said sulking as they all stopped for a second to help Naruto as only the sensei's saw through the kamiwari as they saw his plan. After picking them all up they were about to continue till the demon brothers jumped out and 'killed' the sensei's. "boom." said Naruto as the candy balls for missed exploded obscuring their vision as they heard fire style:fire ball justu. As Naruto, Menma and Sasuke shot three fireballs as Naruko and Sakura threw some explosive kunai behind as this caused a explosion shocking the sensei's and tazuna because of its destructive power. "you can come out sensei's." said Naruto as they came and praised them for their good combo attack. "now we at a crossroad as those people are the demon brothers meaning Zabuza is with them as well." said Kakashi as Tazuna explained what has been happening at Wave. "please help us." begged Tazuna as Naruto helped him up. "then let's go, sensei's I know I can't make decisions but I can't turn my back on someone who needs help you can punish me later but please I want to finish this mission." said Naruto bowing as he had a clone go ahead if they said no. " I can't let the dobe outshine me so I'm with him. "said Sasuke smirking as they all agreed." very well but Naruto after this you will do 20 d-rank missions after this. "said Kushina as Naruto nodded the let's go to wave." she said as they nodded.

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