Chapter 1- Meeting The Boys

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Hey guys! Just putting something out there, I'm using my name as the main character and I'm using some names of people I know. But my last name isn't Cloud just so yall know. :3
Thank you for 800 reads on my Vanoss Crew One Shots!!
Thanks for reading by the way and hope you enjoyed!
I stepped off the plane and ran to the baggage claim. After I found my luggage, I speed-walked to the parking/rental area. I walked into the small building and saw a man, who looked like he was in his 40's. I walked over to him and smiled as I said, "Hello sir. I believe I am supposed to be picking up my rental car.". The man looked up and smiled. "Alright. May I have your name and papers for the car please?" I pulled my book bag off and opened it. Immediately I found what I was looking for and handed it to the man whilst saying, "Here's the papers and my name is Emily Cloud." "Thank you" the man smiled and began to type things into his computer. A minute later he handed me back the papers and smiled. "You all set! You may go and pick any car from the green section of cars." I smiled, put my bag back on, grabbed my luggage, and scurried out to the green section. Immediately I saw a baby blue convertible and knew that was the perfect one for me. I ran to it and got the keys, unlocking it. I put my stuff in the back, started the car, and drove off.
~time skip to hours after she reached her destination~
"Come on Emily! It's just a quick walk to In N Out and then you get the food. After that you simply just walk back and BOOM! Your done." My best friend begged. I sighed and stood up. "Fine. Your lucky I'm hungry." Aryana jumped up and down. "Yay!!!!" I laughed and picked up my vlog camera, phone, and earbuds. I wrote down what she wanted and I said goodbye as I stepped out the door. I was a block away from In N Out so I turned on my vlog camera and started to record. "Hey Clouds! I'm finally in L.A. and its been a few hours since I landed. Right now I'm on my way to get some food for me and Aryana. She made me walk here though..." I laughed nervously as I stopped walking and sat down on a bench. "I see someone over der. Da fuck they doin over der?" I mumbled loud enough for my camera to hear my voice. "One is vlogging. Lame asses." I laughed loudly and shut off my camera. I guess the boys heard me because I looked up and saw them right in front of me. "H-hey, what do you guys need?" I stuttered. One of them laughed and sat next to me. "I'm Brian. I saw you were vlogging so I came over to say hi." He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. He had this Irish accent that was cute. "I'm Emily. Nice to meet you Brian and mysterious boy who hasn't said his name yet." I giggled and looked up at the other boy. "Oh. I'm Craig, but my friends call me Mini." He blushes lightly and I stood up. "Nice meeting you, Brian and Mini Ladd." I winked and started to continue my walk to In N Out. "W-wait!! How do you know my YouTube name?! All I told you was Mini!" He ran to me and stood in front of me. "Well, your friend's name is Brian, who I assume is Terrorizer. And you guys were vlogging and you told me your name was Craig but your friends call you Mini." I giggled and looked down. "It's pretty obvious that your Mini Ladd. You even sound like him!" I looked up at him and smiled brightly. "Oh I see. So are you a fan?" He smirked and walked next to me. "I guess you could say that. I'm more of a youtuber who knows about other gamers." I laughed nervously and looked up at Craig. "I guess that works too. So on your way to get food, huh?" He smiled and I nodded. "Yea... my bestie wanted food." After I said that I turned to see where Brian had gone. "Where did Brian go?" I asked confused. "I guess he went to the gym on his own. We were headed there before we went to say hi to you." Craig chuckled nervously and looked down. "Oh. Well you can stay with me if you want." I smiled and stepped inside the restaurant. "Okay. You seem really cool anyways." Craig nodded and began to find out what to order. "Can I get the number 4 with a coke and the protein burger with a diet coke. Also an order of the animal fries." I told the lady. "13.94 is your total." She said typing in my order. I handed her the money and walked over to Craig. "Ordered yet?" I looked at him while he was deep in thought. "Huh? Oh yes I ordered already." He said, snapping out of his thoughts. We got the food and headed back to Aryana's house. "Do you have a place to stay?" Craig looked down at me and smiled nervously. "No not really. I was just gonna ask one of my friends if I could stay with them." I replied, looking down. I sighed and looked over at Craig. "You can stay with me if you want." He said with a huge smile spread across his face. "Okay." I nodded. After another minute of walking, I pulled out my vlog camera and started to record. "Hey again! So I've got the food now! I met a friend along the way though. Say hi to Mini Ladd!" I pointed the camera to him and he smiled. "Hey peoples!" He waved and I pointed the camera back at me. "So we're on our way back to Aryana's and how I wish that I could've used my car. One important thing happened though. So I told you all that I have to put meet ups on hold because I had to get my place to stay thing coordinated BUT! Now I've got that handled so meet ups are back on!!!" I laughed and smiled. "well I'll talk to you all soon!" Both me and Craig waved to the camera and I turned it off.
~ time skip to when they are at Craig's after eating and all ~
We got to Craig's and he showed me where I would be staying. "By the way... tonight's recording night for me and my friends so you might hear me yelling and stuff." He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "it's okay. I'm going to play GTA for a bit so I might yell too. I rage quite often." I blushed and looked down. "Wanna play with us then?" He asked. I looked at him and I was practically beaming with joy. "Of course! I love playing GTA! especially when I can play with others!" I was still beaming with joy while he was laughing his ass off. "Okay. I'll set all of us up in a Skype call." he walked out of the room, still laughing. I threw all of my bags next to the bed and set my computer up. There was a TV in the room so I hooked up my Xbox too. After I got all my equipment hooked up, I got a call on skype. I answered it and I heard Mini's voice. "Hey Emily. what's your gamer tag? I never asked you." I giggled and said, "CloudGaming" I had my controller plugged into my computer so I didn't have to use my keyboard and mouse. I leaned back in my chair and sat there silently. After a few minutes VanossGaming, H2o Delirious, BasicallyIDoWrk, IAMWILDCAT, DathiDeNogla, Lui Calibre, and Moo all joined the call. "hey guys!" Mini said happily. "By the way... Guys, meet CloudGaming or Emily. Emily meet the guys." "Hey boys." I simply said, looking back down at my phone and scrolled through twitter. A bunch of Hey's could be heard through my headphones. "Let her try to guess your names guys." Mini said laughing. i sighed and set my phone down. "Let me guess... Delirious is Jonathan, Moo is Brock, Wildcat is Tyler, Nogla is David, Basically is Marcel, Lui is just Lui, and lastly... hey Evan." I sighed again and checked the time, 4:29. "Hey Em." Evan said laughing. All the other boys were dumbfounded. "Chill guys. If it helps, I knew Craig was Mini Ladd before he said anything." I giggled and Mini laughed. "Yea. She's like able to figure you out by just hearing your YouTube name or just your real name." I laughed loudly at what Mini said. "How do you know her Evan?" Brock said confused. "We were childhood best friends and she was like a little sister to me. As we got older she told me that if she ever became a youtuber or a huge gamer, that I'll know it's her if her name is CloudGaming and her real name is Emily." Evan replied as I smiled like an idiot. "Wow I'm glad you remembered that then." I giggled and continued, "Anyways, lets get to playing!" I yelled. "Lets getter goin!!" Tyler yelled, which made us all laugh. we all got into the same lobby and I checked the other people who were in the lobby. I noticed that my character was at level 315 and Lui's was at 346. I messaged him saying we should team up and attack the others. Instantly he responded saying, 'Already a step ahead of ya.' I hopped into his car and we drove off to the ammo store. I got full ammo on all my guns and weapons. We drove back to the others and stayed out of sight. 'go for Delirious. I got Vanoss. then you go for Mini and then Wildcat. I'll get the others.' I read the message from Lui in the left corner of my screen and aimed at delirious's head using my sniper. '3.2.1' I saw in the corner of my screen then, 'Shoot!'. I immediately shot each of the ones I was assigned and in seconds they were getting ready to respawn. "RUN EMILY!!!!" Lui screamed in his squeaker voice and I ran to the car. We drove off and I heard the guys yelling at us. I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe and I was crying. I heard someone throw something on the floor, which I assumed was either their controller or their headphones, and get up. "Oh Shit..." I managed to say. I held my sides, still laughing. Then Craig slammed the door open and seemed super pissed. He grabbed me and threw me on the bed. "NOOO STOP!" I screamed as Craig began to tickle my sides. I was laughing my hardest in my life. "CRAIG STOOOOOP!!!" I yelled, still laughing. "NO! This is your punishment Emily!!" Craig said tickling me even more. After he finally stopped tickling me, I sat back in my chair and Craig went back to his computer. "It sounded like you were being raped by Mini. Are you okay?" I heard Delirious's voice through my headphones and I smiled. "Yea I'm alright. Mini wouldn't stop tickling me." I laughed and adjusted my headphones on my head. "FUCK YOU TYLER!!!" I heard Marcel yell into his mic. "Fuck you Marcel! Your making me deaf over here!" I said lifting the headphones away from my ears. I placed them back on my ears and continued to play the game. I soon found where all the boys were on the mini map. I called my motorcycle and drove to where they were. "Where are you guys?" I said softly. "In a glitch." Mini replied. "Delirious~ go help her get here." Evan said, trying to sound sweet. Both me and Delirious sighed. "Alright Ev." Delirious said appearing in front of my character. 'Follow me' was all he said before showing me the glitch. We climbed through the wall and then parachuted to the room. When we got in there, the boys were telling jokes and paying as the comedian and audience. "What kind of comedian and audience hold guns while just standing there watching the others?!" I asked sounding panicked. "Our type of audience and comedians." Tyler replied, making his character face mine. "STRANGER DANGER!!!!" I yelled and pointed to Tyler's character.
~time skip to when they finish playing video games~
"I hope you recorded while we were playing..." Evan mumbled when it was just us left in the call. "Don't worry Ev. I'm not that forgetful anymore!" I giggled and made sure my recording had stopped. "Wanna hang out tomorrow and catch up?" Evan said laughing. "Of course! I haven't seen my big bro in years and you think I wouldn't want to hang out with him?!" I said laughing. "Alright, alright. Well, I'll see you tomorrow then Em." "Bye bye Ev." "Bye." We ended the call and I turned off my computer. I walked over to my luggage and grabbed a pair of yoga shorts, a CloudGaming crop top in baby blue, underwear, and a sports bra. I walked into the bath room after I got myself a towel and locked the door. I took a longish shower. I changed into the clothes I grabbed and wrapped my hair in the towel. When I got inside my room, I dried my hair a bit, using the towel. Then I threw the towel on my chair and got into bed. '@VanossGaming: Finally got back in touch with my best friend from when I was little. I get to see her tomorrow when we hang out.' I saw the tweet and smiled. '@CloudGaming: @VanossGaming can't wait Ev! Now GO TO SLEEP CHILD!' I tweeted him back and then locked my phone. I made sure it was on silent and drifted off to sleep.

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