Dean's POVMy cousin was in Illinoise, so we decided to meet up. She is like 23 so it would be nice to see her. We are going to a cafè by my hotel. We are going at 10.
Beep, beep, beep
I turned the alarm of and looked over to see Bertha still asleep. I wanted her to come, but I don't want to wake her. So I'll leave a note. I got ready and walked out of the room to see Seth up.
"Bye." I say.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Out." I told him, he just shrugged. He waved and I walked out. I looked at my phone and it said 9:30, I'll just walk. Once I got there it said 10:10......shit! How did this happen. I ran in and saw her so I gave a side hug and sat down.
"Sorry I'm late." I apologize. She just laughed.
"You're always late." She said.
"True." I shugged laughing.
Bertha's POV
I rolled over and hit a piece of paper. I picked it up and read it.
Going out! Be back around 11! ;)
You're lunatic fringeCute. I looked at the clock.
10:23, ugh, I have nothing to do. How about I go out with Roman and Seth. There is a cafè around the corner. I walked out the room dressed and ready. I saw Seth in the couch."Get dressed we are going out, cuz I'm bored. I will wake Roman up." I said.
"Ok, and I'll go get ice water. Call me if you need it." He said getting up. I laughed and shook my head. I walked to Roman's room. I saw him on his stomach asleep.
"Awww, he is adorable when he is asleep, I can't wake him up...........never mind, yes I can." I laugh. I shook him.
I jumped on his back.
"Come on Roooooo! Get up!" I whined. Nothing.
"I'll get Seth." I warned. He flipped over.
"You wouldn't dare." He mumbled.
"Oh really? SETH!!!" I yelled. Seth rushed in dressed and had a bucket of water in his hand. Roman quickly sat up. Which made him hold his head from dizziness. Then let go and narrow his eyes at Seth, I just sat there and watched.
"Don't even think about it Rollins." He said in a deep, devilish, octave lower voice. Seth walked over and dumped the water on him.
Roman closed his eyes and enhaled then exhaled."I will give you 5 seconds." With that Seth darted out of the room. I shook my head.
"5!!.......4!!......3!!.....2!!..........1!!" With that he darted out of the room.
"Roman get changed first!!! You're wet!!!" I yelled. He walked back in and hufft.
20 minutes later
He walked out and ran after Seth. I walked out the room and saw them wrestling on the floor. Roman "speared" Seth on the couch. Then rolled on the floor.
"Come on guys." They got up and we walked out.
Skip, skip, skip
Once we got there I walked in laughing. My eyes landed on Dean and a girl laughing. The girl had her hand on Dean's across the table and he didn't seem bothered. Dean turned around and saw me, he pulled away and called my name as I walked out.
Once I got home cried. Dean walked in the room."Bertha-" I cut him off.
"Don't'Bertha' me you fucking ass hole!!" I yelled. Well that ticked him.
"I'm not the one being an ass hole here! I would never cheat on you! Who the fuck do you think I am?! Why do you not trust me?! No what if this is a non-trusting relationship, then I'm done!" He yelled, then started to walk out.
"Then who was she?!" I yelled.
"My cousin! My fucking cousin!" He yelled then slammed the door. I burst out crying. What have I done? Roman burst in the room.
"What happened?" He asked sitting nexted to me. I layed in his chest.
"Dean and I had a fight and broke up." I sniffed. "Would it be weird if I asked you to hold me?"
He shook his head and held me in his chest. I just cried my eyes out. I messed everything up.
"It was his cousin Roman, his fuckind cousin." I cried hitting his chest. He held me closer.
"It's ok. Shh." He said.
But nothing is ok
Hey guys. There we go.
One Love..........Shield

Forbidden Love~A Dean Ambrose Love Story~
Fanfic~~~~~~~~~ Once again I slammed him into the wall. "If you ever hurt her, I will kill you, do you understand me?" I asked. He gulped and nodded his head yes. I dropped him again. I know harsh. "Is that your harsh way of saying yes?" He asked holding...