1. 2nd chapter of our story.

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Jimin and Jungkook had grown close over the years. Both meeting when they were in highschool, now Jungkook was graduating college, Jimin had already graduated the year before. They had a routine of calling every night before bed, sometimes even falling asleep together.

Their favorite places to call were Discord so they could stream and watch movies or youtube together, or through the built in messaging app on their phones for face time. If they weren't on the game together they were just chatting or watching random movies from one of their screens. And this night was no different.

They both laughed at the show they were watching, as it wasn't particularly well written and the acting didn't do it anymore justice. "I don't know how I can do a whole 10 more episodes of this!" Jimin giggled, Jungkook following. "I know right! I'm so confused about the plot at this point that it's so hard to follow!" They laughed in unison before ultimately deciding to turn it off and watch something worth while.

In the meanwhile of Jimin watching Jungkook scroll, he had some news he's been wanting to share. "So, Kookie..." The elder trailed off, earning a hum from the boy on the other end of the line. "Y'know how I told you I was moving
but wouldn't tell you where?" He asked, Jungkook replied with a confused "yeah?" as he recalled that conversation from about a month or so ago.

"And Y'know how it's been awhile since we've seen each other?" the older has now peaked Jungkook's interest, so he stopped scrolling through netflix. "Yeah, it's been since your graduation last summer." He stated, kinda sad he hasn't seen Jimin in person in so long. He hated how far they were from each other. He's had a crush on Jimin since forever but can never follow through, afraid of the distance destroying them.

"Well I'm moving to seoul! I got into the same dance studio you work in since I got transferred. We'll finally be able to spend more time with each other!" Jimin pulled his earbud away from his ear a bit as he heard excited squeals from the other end. He couldn't help but smile oh so wide. "Oh my gosh! Really?!" Jimin hummed and nodded yes into the camera, The smile on Jungkook's face only made himself smile just as bright.

"I can't wait to see you! I'll be the first one to greet you at the train station! When will you get here?" He questioned, his dark brown doe eyes lit up with anticipation. "In two days. My place isn't ready yet so I'm still trying to find a hotel-" The younger cut him off. "Hyung you can stay with me! I have an extra room. No need for a hotel!" Jungkook pouted, if he had told him sooner he would have never even had to stress about a hotel.

"Hmmm I'll think about it~" Jimin teased, causing the younger to pout even more. Until he spotted a movie he wanted to watch. "Let's watch this and go to sleep." Jungkook stated. "Yeah, let's. I'm tired anyways." Jimin said with a yawn. The two agreed and watched the movie, Jimin falling asleep first as usual, but Jungkook didn't mind.

As creepy as he felt he couldn't help but admire Jimin's beauty even while he slept. By this point the movie finished so he stopped the stream but stayed in the call. He couldn't wait for the day he got to admire the older in person, and to finally be able to call him his. All these thoughts flooded Jungkook's brain, putting him to sleep shortly after.

~End of chapt. 1~

Authors note:

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I haven't worked on this story in 4 years since I started it in 2020. But hopefully with my new found motivation I'll be able to finish it.

Thank you for reading! any tips or suggestions are appreciated. More coming soon. :)

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