A Misguided Assumption

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The estate, once a sanctuary for shared moments, bore witness to a subtle shift in dynamics. Serena's unspoken discomfort had become palpable, leaving a cloud of uncertainty hanging in the air. As I navigated the grand corridors, the suspicion of Serena's illness played out as nothing more than a fleeting thought.

That evening, finding her on the terrace, I approached with a genuine concern. "Serena, you've seemed unwell lately. Is there anything I can do?"

She attempted a reassuring smile, the weight of her uncertainty evident. "Cam, it's probably just a fever. Nothing to worry about."

I accepted her explanation without probing further, the assumption of a common ailment overshadowing any inkling of a deeper truth. "Alright, Serena. Make sure to rest, and if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask."

As the night unfolded, Serena's subtle discomfort seemed to dissipate amidst the shared conversations and laughter that echoed through the estate. The misconception of a minor illness kept any deeper concerns at bay.

Days turned into nights, and the estate embraced a semblance of normalcy. Serena's unspoken turmoil, hidden behind a facade of casual smiles, became a silent undercurrent beneath the surface of our shared moments.

It wasn't until a week later, as Serena's condition showed no signs of improvement, that my concern deepened. Finding her in her study, her complexion paler than usual, I couldn't ignore the reality any longer.

"Serena," I began, my voice laced with genuine worry, "this fever has lingered for too long. We need to consult a doctor and get to the bottom of this."

She hesitated, the weight of unspoken revelations casting a shadow on her expression. "Cam, it might be more than just a fever. I need to take a test."

Confusion and concern intertwined as I tried to comprehend the gravity of her words. "A test? What do you mean?"

Her eyes held a vulnerability that hadn't been there before. "Cam, I suspect I might be pregnant. I haven't taken the test yet, but the signs are there."

The revelation struck with a force that left me momentarily speechless. The assumption of a mere fever shattered, and in its place emerged the potential for a significant life-altering moment. The estate, once a backdrop for familial expectations, now held the weight of a revelation that promised to reshape the contours of our shared journey.

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