The saiyan son trailer

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2 years have passed, the saiyan's are still living with the roses place bardock became a huntsmen thanks to summer and tai old friend ozpin and luckily bardock is actually suitable to be a huntsmen he does special can of mission like helping qrow who's ruby's and yang's uncle and when things went great something terrible happen summer rose have sadly pass anyone was down of course qrow drinks and do missions to let his anger out of something, tai of course had it worse and he was just broken but bardock took charge and watch over summer's kids, bardock already knows the pain of lose while he consider summer as a good friend so as a friend he watch over them keeping their spirits alive. it took tai some days/week to get up and be a parent, it was morning everyone was asleep beside bardock he was outside just sitting watching his garden
Tai-hey bardock

Bardock-hey tai, umm how are you, are you umm

Tai-I'm good and I'm ready to be a parent again... thanks for watching for my kids

Bardock-it's at least I could

Tai-no, I mean really you shouldn't have watch over my kids, it should have been me

Bardock-it's alright, I know the feeling

Tai-yea, it's crazy how a alien is taking care of my kids hahaha you know when you told me and summer that your a alien called a saiyan I couldn't believe it, I thought you were crazy but summer was the only one to believe you

Bardock-hmph yea
A blast from the past hit
Bardock-fine but first I need to tell you guys something
He put kakarot down
Summer-we can talk outside
He follow them outside
Summer-what is it

Tai-is it serous

Bardock-yea, I'm not from this planet

Summer-not from this planet

Tai-ha like what a alien

Bardock-yea, my race are called the saiyan's we like fighting even consider as the strongest but we got enslave by a guy name king cold then his son freiza but freiza thought we're too much of a threat so he killed my squad and destroy my planet, I told my wife gine to sent our son kakarot away but I was weaken because of freiza's goons so my wife push me into the pod and these is happening
Both couldn't believe it while tai think this is fake, summer thought
Summer-I believe you


Summer-I trust you, I think you and kakarot will like this planet
Bardock smiled
She reminds him of gine. Back to the present
Tai-hey, can I ask something

Bardock-of course

Tai-how do you keep on going when, I mean I never felt like that well sorta

Bardock-you just have to keep on going, my friends and my wife wouldn't want me to cry for them especially gine, if she was here she would have done the same thing

Tai-hmm I see, if we're being honest here I should tell you something

Bardock-you don't have to

Tai-please it's at least I could do
Bardock look at him but knowing he probably just want to pay him back
Bardock-ok your choice

Tai-"sigh" ok, summer she wasn't my first wife before her I met someone else her name is raven

Bardock-raven like qrow sister

Tai-you know

Bardock-well sorta he mentions her at times but never told me too much

Bardock and kakarot in the rose family (dbz x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now