Dearly all beloved reading who are welcomed by myself, God and jesus!
my eldest overlymature and self-responsable daughter Caitlin-Rose introduced my to Whattspadd, and its only taken me a millenium (overexageration... 5 months.) to have the idea of putting online all my word so far!
Please do not persuicute me for me faith in God and Jesus, but I would love to put forward questions to you all, and your answers will reveal new chapters of books, and help us to... Change the world, if not only by having people see and realise that GOD Is and JESUS Is... by changing the very law and order to create a peaceful and safer world.
For those of you who are Faithful and Holy children of GOD.... and who are brothers and sisters and followers of Jesus Christ, I would love for you to read Jesus Speaks and I hastily await any comments or personal messages with your own ideas and explanations to any of the subjects mentioned on here so far... and please feel free to send me requests about any subject, part of verse or book of The Holy Bible or any other Holy Scripture and book, and I will do my best to study them and let you know my thoughts!
Regarding the SOS sanctuaries: I am searching for a world full of answers as to eeven more laws and legislation and legal rights, added, subtracted, abolished, made and created a new article, adapted, etc........ I am the creator and owner of the santuaries, and if i see that any suggestion of yours beg True, I will suggest them to the worlds authorities, governments and high courts for approval in our laws.
Note that anyobody in the Sanctuary residence falls under our laws and not those of thier country... and will be provived with a legal document to state as so which they can show to the police ad item.
Regarding SOS Parenting: Any parents, children, anybody who loves and cares about and understands children, please give any other advice and knowlegdge and if i see it aas.. TRUE!! I will add this to the SOS Sanctuary Parenting which generally and genuinely IS the law regarding how to raise children in some countries and homes in the world, and as WE get it right in one place even if in one country, these laws and views of how to raise and understand children is recognosed.... let the rest of the world and parents and people follow suit.
my first story will take a long time to write - I only just started it thismorning. This is the story about Sonic The Hedgehog written espeecially for my daughter Caitlin who is his biggest and most impressive to the point of OCD fan!! I will reveal to you that i am going to be adding in Akira Toriyamas... of course... Dragon ball z into my story, needs must, you know, needs must. For any of you who don't know much about Sonic as i don haha (are are also questioing their daughters in order to attempt to write them a story about it...) Sonic charcters involve and include Guardian Angels who stop wars and characters who can time travel, and a "god" who, is, i mean like... is he a planet or the ruler of a planet or ermmm Caaaiiiitttllllin. ...more on this story soon!! (Anyway, turns out the only way this is going to be possible, the ending, is if they all make wishes on the dragon balls, otherwise my daughter will give me a revalation with hos on earth sonic -- Super sonic -- can do it all by himself!!!)
My own book that I have written myself are:
She Who Walks With Angels
My Guardian Angels Story
Repentance In Christ
A Tiny Story Called I Love You
The True Fairy Tales. (............ more on them, Definately, some day.!)
be prepared to be mind blown.
Thank you for listening and for reading.
Please contact me through Whattspadd and i will indeed Absolutely answer you asap. Happily, with honour, welcome and respect, and in the uttermost kindness as I am.
my name is Angel.
In the end, I am just a mother trying to do her best and I love my children, and i am trying to.... save the world.
With love from God Allah the Almighty and Jesus Christ.
ps. Please can you all SUBSCRIBE to my daughters Whatspadd account and follow her stories about Sonic The Hedgehog, and a challenge to you all: what is her psychocolgy and subcious mind meaning behind her crime story? I know the answer........
A Note To My Readers:
Não FicçãoPlease do read and watch for updates as I complete my works on here.