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~~~This is being created cuz y not~~~

'Captain?' Havers shouted while trying to get into the captains office. 'Im here' got called 5 doors down by the captain. The tone of his voice was recognisable to havers, the flirty voice, last time havers heard this voice was when the captain was getting everyone down to the basement and himself and havers had an extactic time making out in the captains room.. its the small things that makes havers happy. As havers walked into the captains bedroom he had noticed a foul smell coming from his bedroom. 'Sir! Theres rats in your bedroom! Come quick!' Havers shouted as quickly as possible. Havers hadn't noticed that the captain was behind him, he heard every word havers had said, muttering about how cute the captain was when he smirked. As havers turned around the captain started smirking after hearing what havers had to say. Havers jumped after seeing how close the captain was to him, he could feel the body heat coming off of him, the smell of men's perfume and the smell of the dish soap the men put on their clothes in the winter period. 'Bally hell sir! What are you doing sneeking up on me like that!' Havers exclaimed. Not realising the captain was behind him the whole time. 'Havers, my sweet lieutenant. Ive been here whole time, if you jump at me standing behind you, how to you expect to win the war!' The captain didn't mean to say it so angrily, it started to make havers eyes tear up.. the captain started to open his arms for havers to hug him, havers ran straight into him crying. 'There there sweet boy, no need to cry, I've been under a lot of stress keeping so many secrets, especially yours" its like the captain had thousands of untold secrets in his heart that he won't dare say. "S-sir i-i, found s-some photos of u-us on our f-first d-day here. H-here you g-go" Havers stuttered like he was having a stroke. The captain held havers forehead and kissed it softly, like a footballer kissing the ball for good luck. "That sounds interesting, please leave them on my desk havers i have some... things to sort out." Havers quickly scrambled out of the captains arms to put the photos and documents on his desk then scurrying to his room and locking his door. The captain became concerned and worried about havers, Had this war had a negative impact on him? In the meantime the captain looked like he was having his own war, with the rats.

After 4 hours of the captain getting the rats out of his room and having a nap he suddenly remembered the photos that havers put on his desk. He picked the file up and looked at them. The smile he hadn't realised had appeared on his face was enough to get anyone happy. The idea had strucken to him, he made a notebook filled with all of the pictures of his troop when they first started.

January 15th 1939

Coombes was only 16 when he transferred to button house from the front line after he was shot in the waist. Blakey was transferred from VerSi when he was 21 after it was shut down and turned into a hospital for the wounded. Jones was transferred from a welsh unit, he doesn't talk about it much anymore because he lost his father, brother and son. He was only 28 the poor chap, he is traumatised. Thankfully under the circumstances of me and my other half.. sir Anthony Havers. Atleast Jones had someone to come out to and knows I won't report him. Jones & Coombes are happy thats the main thing. We have had others in the past but they are odd names. They are my main men. Aswell as my cricket team.

Til thy death. Captain X Havers BBC GHOSTSWhere stories live. Discover now