✧ Love Lives On ✧

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A/N- Uhm....maybe don't read this chapter in public. 4k work chapter btw so enjoy ik it's not THAT long but it's the end of fourth year for Y/N

Hermione, Parvati, Lavender, and Y/N all sat in their dorm, sorting out their makeup for the 3rd task that was taking place that evening.

It was only 10AM but they were currently debating on how they should dress to support their school.

They agreed to have Gryffindor and Hufflepuff pride for both Cedric and Harry.

Hermione got out red, black, and gold eye black for the four of them for that evening. The four talked, planned, and gossiped for the next two and a half hours before finally getting ready for real this time.

They each sat on their beds with a mirror and started to do their makeup.

Y/N put on gold eye shadow and painted a stripe of red and black pain under her right eye and gold and black under her left eye.

She did the rest of her makeup along with her friends and got dressed for the tournament.

Two hours later the four girls walked into the Great Hall for dinner before the third task. Y/N and Hermione sat down in their usual spot next to Ron and Harry who had very different vibes going on.

Ron was clearly excited while Harry looked pale as a ghost and nervous.

"How do you feel?" Hermione asked Harry as she sat down next to Ron on the other side of the table.

"Brilliant" Harry replied sarcastically.

Hermione sighed and began to eat silently.

"So, you're leaving tonight?" Harry asked Y/N moments later.

"Me? Yeah. After the 3rd task ends. Around 10, I think. I packed last night but I need to get a few things from my dorm first." she sighed.

"Oh. At least you passed all your exams last week" Ron chimed in with a shrug.

"Thank god. Oh! Harry, do you mind if I meet you at the maze? I have to talk with someone first." Y/N said.

Harry's expression fell a bit more, but he nodded and ate silently. The rest of the meal was complete silence from the Quartet.

After that, Y/N said goodbye to the three and left the hall to find her Slytherin friends seeing as she wouldn't have time to talk with most of them later.

She had told them the previous day to meet her by the Slytherin common room entrance at 5.

As she got there she saw each of her friends standing there quietly;

Mila, Athena, Enzo, Blaise, and a few others she wasn't too close with.

"You wanted to talk with us?" Enzo asked when Y/N approached.

"Yeah, I just wanted to say bye for a while. My father is taking me and Theo home tonight so I won't see you guys for a while." Y/N explained.

Athena and the Berkshires already knew this but the others hadn't and Y/N could clearly see their expressions fall.

"Write us when you get home?" Mila asked.

"Of course, I will. I'll see you guys as soon as I can. Okay?"

Mila nodded and hugged Y/N tightly. This action was repeated by the rest until it was only Y/N and Enzo outside the common room.

"Be careful, okay? And write to me." he spoke quietly.

"I promise" Y/N assured thoughtfully.

She hugged Enzo with her chin over his shoulder. They stayed like that silently for a minute, simply finding comfort in each other's presence. Once Y/N had finally pulled away she saw Enzo hesitate to say something.

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