28~ She Is Dead...

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Author's POV

"Why is it bitter to listen to the truth? You are a rapist Ardhansh Singhaniya accept it."

He felt his anger getting out of control and he held her jaw tightly, "Fuck it out once again "

"You are a rapist-

She greeted out but her words died in her mouth when he latched his lips on her and brutally crushed her body under his.

Silent Tears cascaded down her eyes hearing the tearing voice of her clothes and she felt his hands roaming on her bare thigh almost near her private area.

Her breath hitched in her throat as the memories resurfaced in her mind blurring her eyes with salty tears.

She didn't struggle to get out of his hold and let him manhandle her, it wasn't new though he had done this numerous times, and once again it wouldn't hurt too much.

Would it?

They wouldn't, just she would feel the pain in her lower region, The next day wouldn't be able to look in the mirror knowing the red-purple marks on her body.

And her dead flesh would again regain its posture coming back to its real self, but what about her soul?

"Ahh....a soft yell left her mouth when he bit her lower lip, clutching her both hands on her head.

Suddenly realization dawned upon him and he immediately left her bleeding lips before getting up from her body.

His legs wobbled seeing her condition and he fell on his knees staring at her dishevelled state with blank eyes.

A broken smile appeared on her lips and she got up before bending on her knees in front of him.

She glanced at her dress barely covering anything and sat in front of him before removing that torn piece being bare to his eyes.

She held his trembling hand in hers and whispered with tears, "I won't stop you....if you raped me once again but after that please have some mercy on my dead soul and burn me alive to officially declare me as dead–

"Just don't," He held her cheeks and mumbled, his eyes looking as numb as his soul.

Her words stabbed his heart echoing in his mind and haunting him with the darkness they held.

The seriousness in her words didn't fail to make him realize his mistakes couldn't be repaired now not ever, they weren't even mistakes they were crimes, and he knew he wouldn't be able to repent for all those sins.

He removed his shirt and without looking at her shattering state wrapped it around her half-naked body before lifting her broken self in his arms.

Her eyes fluttered feeling herself in his arms and she said with a sad smile, "It won't affect me, Arsh...you broke something precious in me which can't be repaired now...not ever...I still feel dead knowing I couldn't get my old self back, you ruined me the way...I don't think you would ever be able to revive those broken pieces of my ruined soul."

He heard her words and more tears fell from his eyes, of course, she was right, he knew that he didn't deserve any redemption.

He kept her on the bed and turned to go not having the courage to witness her broken state but stopped feeling a tug on his wrist.

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