Chapter Forty Eight: Whatever It Takes

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48. Whatever It Takes


A/N: This chapter is mostly original! I had to revise this chapter so many times before publishing it. ( ´-ω-)

ALSO, if you haven't read it on my profile already, my upload schedule is once a week on Saturday/Sundays! Of course, the AO3 version will be published at least a day after! I will post on my profile if there are any delays!

Q: I've got nothing to ask! Maybe ask me a question?


You were speaking to Gen after your little excavation earlier in the day. Both of you were hanging out with each other at dusk after an eventful, stormy day on the beach. The man had seen who your group revived and witnessed firsthand what Ryusui's personality was like when Senku decided to test the sailor's skill. The mentalist was dumbfounded by his ability through instinct alone--but the greed that he had shown off was the kicker.

"I still can't believe that we're going to have to look for oil," Gen stated as sweat slightly dripped from his temples.

"To be fair, it was bound to happen," you told him with a sigh; your fingertips were against your head in discontent. "A stove was never going to power a massive ship, so oil was the next best thing. And Senku told me that in Shizuoka, their local specialty was oil. It should be filled with oil now that the world has technically been reset."

"Well, despite all that, we're at this point because of Ryusui-chan and his intellect..."

You turned to him with what looked like he understood you. Pointing at him, you replied, "Yes, despite him being annoying, he's quite smart! Do you know how he recognized me? Just by the sound of my voice! He completely annihilated Senku's statement of not being able to recognize my face!"

"Being greedy and intelligent is a combination made for disaster," your friend told you with a shrug of his shoulders. He added with a worried look on his face, "I'm surprised Ryusui-chan has the guts to flirt with you in front of Senku-chan..."


"Take my hand, my dear (Y/N)! I'd like for you to show me exactly what you have in store for me!" The sailor held his hand out for you to grab as you were trying to leave the boat.

You and the gang had brought Ryusui to the beach, where he had seen the massive ship-in-progress that Senku and Kaseki had started. On the way there, you had to keep yourself close to Senku, as well as deflect all of Ryusui's remarks with him, just to make sure he wouldn't try anything. But there was nothing you could do the moment you hit land.

Before you could reply to the blonde man, Senku started, "She can handle herself like a big girl. Keep your eyes on the bigger thing at hand."

"Thank you anyways, Ryusui-san." You hopped off of the boat as your partner led the sailor to the ship vessel, leaving you with the girls. You sighed as you kept your eye on both men, "Both of them are gonna be a handful..."

"At least Senku is doing his part on being a protective boyfriend," Minami said as you helped her off. "I'm afraid Ryusui won't listen unless something happens straight to his face."

"Oh boy, I wonder when that'll happen," you sarcastically stated with a groan. "I'm still grateful to Senku for doing what he can, but if there was a small chance of them fighting, he's not winning against Ryusui-san."

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