Chapter 2

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He stared at the picture on his screen in shock, his heart suddenly on overdrive. It wasn't a nude, by any means, and they weren't even, but God it really was something. He must have sat there for well over five minutes, inspecting every single detail of the photo. She was definitely in the school bathrooms. And she definitely was a pro at pictures. Even taken in the bathroom, in the horrible lighting that was white light, she looked stunning. In the corner of the picture he could see her mouth, holding her t-shirt with her teeth. God that was hot. He let out a shuddering breath, and his phone pinged for the second time since he had started looking at the picture.

BLACKMAILER- 'Don't blackmail me, and I won't blackmail you. Deal?

He debated leaving her on read, just so she'd feel a fraction of the panic he had all night long. He hadn't slept a wink, and he was miserable for it. But, that picture was too good not to respond to.

Oliver- 'Wish I was at school. I'd join you in that bathroom.'

No, he probably wouldn't. Even if he had gone to school today, it didn't change the fact he'd spent the entire night imagining his entire life falling apart over one stupid, horrible photo.

BLACKMAILER- 'Haha. You wouldn't be able to catch me. Are you coming to school?'

Oliver- 'Not today. Didn't sleep any last night, thanks to you. And now, I doubt I'll be able to sleep anyway, again, thanks to you.'

BLACKMAILER- 'Wasn't sure what else to do. You were acting as if I'd ruined your life just by being on the recieving end of your nudes. So I figured, fair is fair.'

Oliver- 'Fair is fair?'

He grinned, flopping down on his bed and taking a selfie.

BLACKMAILER- 'It's a saying.'

'I'm aware.'

He sent the selfie, and a moment later her reply came.

BLACKMAILER - 'Fat chance.'

'Well you won't tell me your name, so I figured I'd give it a shot.'

BLACKMAILER- 'Why does my name matter so much?'

Perhaps because he sent her explicit images of himself? That seemed like a good enough reason to at least get a name.

'I just want to know who wears red lingerie to school. I think you and I could be great friends. ;)'

BLACKMAILER- 'I think not.'

He hummed, pulling his blanket up to his chin.

'Do we share a class?'

BLACKMAILER-'Why would I tell you?'

'I'll stop pestering you for a name.'

BLACKMAILER- 'Yeah, we share a couple classes.'

'Have we met before?'

BLACKMAILER- 'I gotta get to class. Later Oliver.'

'Later scarlet.'

Scarlet- 'Not my name.'

'Maybe not, but it's the color of your underwear.'

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