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Fengmians Pov.

After the fight Fengmian had with his wife, he wasn't sure how to approach her. He also couldn't risk his reputation being ruined.

The rumors may have been true, well, some of them. But Fengmian couldn't risk those rumors being confirmed.

So after the fight, Fengmian grabbed his sword. And off he went, he didn't even bother telling anyone.

Fengmian didn’t exactly have a five-star reputation anyway, being known as a playboy and womanizer. But despite all the rumors floating around, Fengmian still didn’t want the truth to get out.

Fengmian didn't see any point in denying his wifes words. He was already certain that the outcome wouldn’t be good, but he didn't care because what could she do? She was judt a woman after all, always second place..

Fengmian kept going, his mind focused on too many things. His mind filled with nothing but anger, his anger seeping into his actions, making him more ruthless and careless.

When Fengmian finally lowered himself to the ground, he was greeted with a head splitting headache, then just like that, he was out cold.


Fengmian woke up with a pounding headache. He slowly opened his eyes and immediately wished he hadn't.

The brightness of the Sun was too much for his already aching head to handle.

Fengmian tried to sit up but quickly regretted it as nausea, dizziness, and stomach pain assailed him.

Fengmian groaned as he tried to take deep breaths, hoping the air would help to clear his head.

Unfortunately, it didn't quite work out as planned.

He was on a cold stone floor, with a square window as the only light sorce. He wasn't sure why his head was hurting so much. He couldn't even remember how he had gotten himself in this situation.

As Fengmians headache slowly started to fade away, he tried to look for a way out.

His sword was missing and probably would be a bad idea if he tried to call it, who ever has him captured would be alerted and know he was awake and trying to escape.

Now Fengmian really regretted leaving. He couldn't even tell her he was sorry.. He messed up really badly. First, he was cheating on Yu Ziyuan since she had her first child.

And then had the audacity to go and have a child with her best friend and then have a child with her.. He really messed up.

His son tries so hard to make him proud, but he always gives him the cold shoulder and praises his other son instead..

"Ugh, I'm such a fool.." Fengmian muttered to himself.


It was mostly quiet in the cell, and he was always alone.. Fengmian would always be asleep when they would bring him food. The food tasted worse than the Lans.

(Sorry Lans, but I know you can do better.)

Today was different, though. He heard more voices, more footsteps, more rustling. He was unsure of what had changed, but he didn't think it was for the greater good.

And the thing is.. he wasn't too far off.

"Place her in carefully, we don't want our buyers to have a damaged doll, do we?" An aymoumus voice said.

"We wouldn't dare, boss." Another said, snickering.

Jiang fengmian couldn't help but feel sorry for whoever this was, so he peaked out of his cell to try to get a good look at this person only to find out that it was..

"My wife..?!" Jiang Fengmian mumbled, "Get off of her! Let her go!" He demanded, life must hate him so much because as soon as he got up, he felt that sharp pain in the back of his head.

The last thing he saw was one of the captives grinning at him.


Jiang Fengmian wakes up with cold sweat on his forehead. He feels like he’s about to be sick.

(If he isn't already, lol)

He’s so confused about where he is. Why is he locked up? And worse, his wife, why did they kidnap her?

"I have to get her back!" Jiang Fengmian thinks in a panic. He tries to get up but finds he can’t.

He lies back down, letting out a loud groan he is still so out of it that he doesn’t care who hears him or what happens to him.

Jiang Fengmian finally regains a small amount of strength he’s able to raise himself up to his knees.

His body still hurts, and he feels dizzy, but he has to try and get his wife back.

He stumbles for a little while, trying to gain his composure. And it takes him a moment, but soon enough he’s up on his feet, and he starts to walk toward the door to the cell. Now that he’s thinking straight, his anger starts to rise.

The thought of his wife in captivity makes him start to feel sick.

As soon as he reaches the door to the cell, he bangs on it and yells. "Open the door!"

He knows they won't listen, but he has to try.. right?

"Open this damn door now!"

The yelling seems to awaken everything inside him his headache turns into a dull throb, and his nausea turns into a burning rage he just wants his wife to be home and safe.

But no one answers the door…he continues to bang on it and yell.

It was hopless, he was hopeless.

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