Chapter 2

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After 10 long hard months of training with my brother and All Might, we were finally ready for the UA entrance exam. At least that's what I thought but where the heck was he? We were going to be late if he didn't get his butt home soon. "I'll just have to leave without him," I concluded. I dashed out the door, scanning the surroundings for Izuku. Luckily, we did indeed cross paths. "Izuku catch!" I yelled, throwing his stuff at him. "You better not be late!" I screamed.

When I finally arrived at UA I couldn't help but smile. I wanted to jump up and down screaming with excitement. This was my path to heroism " EEEEeeee'' I screeched internally. I made my way into the auditorium and made sure to save a seat for my brother. Surprisingly, he made it on time but he was with Bakugo? " Hey bro" I called out to him. "Hey sis" he replied shakily. My gaze shifted to look at Bakugo where I then gave him a glare. He glared back in response but still sat by us anyway.

Present Mic came out and started explaining the practical exam. My brother was muttering something but I really could care less. I beamed with excitement as he explained, still in disbelief that this was really happening right now. Then all the sudden some stuck up smart aleck pointed out my brother's constant muttering. "What a douche" I thought. Once he was done blabbering I jokingly whispered to my brother "who put a stick up his butt". We both giggled a bit. Once Present Mic finished explaining we split off to separate testing locations.

When I arrived at the location, I noticed all sorts of people with unique gear. I began to feel a bit nervous and overwhelmed. I wondered if I could really pull this off. We stood there awkwardly waiting for the test to begin. I started thinking about how I could get enough points and fast. "GOOO" someone yelled. Startled, I hightailed it into the entrance of the exam. The rest of the contestants did the same. As soon as I got into the exam area I noticed it was the exact replica of Tokyo city except for the fact that there were no people living in it.

 I made my way to one of the buildings trying to get to high ground. Once I was on top of a building I analyzed my surroundings. I quickly got an understanding of the layout and made my way to a building closer to the bots. Once in range I focused on the 3 pointer bots below me and smashed them together. "6 points alright" I muttered to myself. I then focused on the layout trying to pick up an even bigger amount of bots. I then levitated about 20 bots in total, carefully dropping them in isolated areas.  I was worried that someone might have gotten caught up in the bot's destruction. I ran down the building to check for casualties. Once I got to the area where I dropped the bots I  found that there was nobody there.

 I quickly calculated the points I should have. 10 plus six times two plus 3 times 4 is ... 36! Plus the 6 points I acquired earlier that should give me 40 points! Alright! Let's keep going! I ran over to find more bot's but on my way I found someone who looked stuck in some debris. I quickly levitated the big piece of concrete off of the individual. I then winked at him and said " I got you bro". "Thanks," the guy replied. I scurried off to find more bots. Just up ahead I spotted two bots, a 2 pointer and a 3 pointer. I swiftly smashed them together and discarded the leftover debris in a nearby dumpster. "5 minutes remaining" an speaker announced. Oh crap, hopefully 45 points is enough. As the exam came to an end I frantically looked around for any more bots, hoping to squeeze in just a few more points. "TIME" the speaker echoed. That marked the end of the exam.

After the exam was over, I waited a bit for my brother so we could walk home together. When I finally spotted my brother he looked a little gloomy. "Izu are you alright?" I asked. " Oh yeah, I'm just nervous about the results," he answered. "Same" I agreed. "But you can't spend all day worrying about it," I said hopefully. Izuku looked up at me, a smile slowly seeping across his face. "Plus there is no way you won't make it bro" I said confidently. The rest of the way home we walked with high spirits.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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