Chapter 1

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I remember the first time where my perspective on the world was shattered. At five years old, I started attending preschool while my parents were busy. Being a shy and timid child, I preferred to be alone. Most of the time I spent at preschool, classroom aids would bug me. I never understood why they were in my face so much. I remember being anxious all the time and wanting to be left alone. Naptime was my favorite time of the day, I hoped it would last forever. Going back home was something I despised; I never wanted to go back.

One day, as I was walking past a park on my way home, I noticed two boys— one with blond hair and the other with green hair— on the ground. There was also a little girl, "what was she doing" I thought. I walked a little closer to see what was going on. " Stop it Kachan"!!! The little girl screamed. " You can't be anything like pro hero All Might If you hurt people!!" The girl yelled. "Especially if you're hurting your friends or family, you're not supposed to hurt people you care about!!" she screeched.

Before I knew it I found myself talking to her. " Why not?" I asked. The little girl's head swiftly swung my way as a look of confusion flooded my face. "What's wrong with hurting others?" I questioned. "It's wrong, people who truly love you don't hurt people they care about," the girl demanded. That day it felt like my brain cracked what this girl said didn't make sense at all. It was too frustrating so I left, unknowingly that would be my first taste at freedom.

9 years later(last year of middle school)

It's coming close to the end of the school year and the third years need to decide what they're going to do with their lives. Ryu had just left the classroom to use the restroom, while the teacher attempted to quiet down the class. "It seems we have four students wanting to go to UA," the teacher remarked, impressed. "What an ambitious group" The teacher mumbled. "Hah!?" Bakugo blurted. " Of course we all know that one of them is Katsuki Bakugo" the teacher announced. The class cheered in response. " Well that's funny" the teacher chuckled softly. "The quirkless Midoriya twins also signed up," he added with a snort. Laughter filled the room. One of the twins spoke up, "Um, did you guys forget that I actually do have a quirk?" The class fell silent, turning their heads in Izumi's direction. "What?" one of her classmates questioned. " Um yeah I have had my quirk for 8 months now—I just so happen to be a late bloomer," Izumi calmly responded, a nervous sweat gilded down her face. "You what!" Bakugo barked. "It's really not that big of a deal" she claimed while rolling her eyes. "Or are you afraid my quirk is better than yours" she pressed. "Hah as if" he boasted. "If it was really better than mine you would have done something these past few months" he challenged. Izumi closed her eyes, focused intensely on her surroundings. An aquamarine glow enveloped her as her hair stood on end. Soon, every inanimate object began to levitate off the ground. The class stared in awe. Bakugo scoffed, unimpressed. He slammed his hand on her desk, igniting an explosion from his plam in the process. The objects suspended in the air quickly crashed to the ground with a loud thud. Startled, Izumi opened her eyes, her aura fading, and her hair falling back into place. "Your quirk is just as useless as being quirkless if you can't keep your eyes open while using it" Bakugo critiqued. The bell rang and all the students rushed out the door as soon as the sound of it hit their ears. " You losers have no chance in hell of getting into UA" Bakugo bickered. He walked out of the classroom with an even bigger ego than before.  

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