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Date: 6th July 2150

Aaron's POV

The next inspection came too quickly, out of the blue. The men in their thousand dollar suits had not left the labs as I had thought and instead had spent the last day playing golf and drinking rare wines that the lab had given them as compensation for their 'lost time'. It sickened me to think that people were being waited on hand and foot for staying to buy the girl like she was a doll. Then again, to them she was a doll. A play object that could be thrown around and abused because she was property. Nothing more.

I spent the night before nervously trying to figure out ways to stop it but nothing came to mind, like an empty search result. To make matters worse I had to collect her from her room and lead her blindly into her fate. She still didn't know, she still had no clue what was to come of her in only a few days time.

After placing on my stiff suit, I stared at myself in the mirror. I was a killer. I would kill the girl and leave her unrecognisable to anyone who knew her before. She would no longer be Sam.

When I reached her door, I stopped to just think. Placing my hands on the wall beside it, I tried to justify what I was doing. Its all in the name of science, I told myself repeatedly but somehow the words didn't stick. They didn't ring any truth. I wanted more than anything to run back and lock myself in my office, emerse myself in paperwork and forget about the vulnerable, young girl sat in her room- awaiting a fate that would change her life forever. Cautiously I knocked the door, I could imagine her wide eyes dart towards the noise. She was so afraid of me, so afraid that it scared me slightly. I didn't think that I was that monster like.

I walked in, not wanting to make eye contact with her in fear of running away, and grabbed her wrist. Yanking her up, I ignored her cries as best I could. My brain tuned off as I winded my way through endless corridors that had taught me all I knew, past doors where I had once proclaimed my love for science. Then I stopped outside that door. The one that made me hate it. When I walked in, I felt 20 pairs of eyes staring at me like ret hot lasers. Ignoring them I handed Sam to the nurses then walked out, not wanting to see what followed. Taking deep breathes I slunk against the wall and sat with my head on my knees; it was all to much for me. On hearing the door click open I wiped my tears away and looked up to be greeted with a stern faced man.

"Get back in there Smith, you're needed," he barked at me like an order.

"I can't go through with this," I mumbled, not wanting to show him the lump in my throat.

"This project is more important than your conscience. Do you remember how happy you were when you heard about it? Do you? Do you?"

I did.

As a twenty year old, first year student at the labs, everything was new and exciting for me. It was almost as if the world had been opened and I could understand everything that had never made sense before. In my course were three other men and a few women which surprised me. Woman usually weren't educated, in fact there were only limited jobs they could do.

Halfway through my course, we dropped textbooks into bins and began real work. Excitement would course through my veins as I sat in the labs and watch as senior doctors dissected humans and changed their whole anatomy. We would help plan for new experiments, be the doctor's assistant and in general get to witnessed ground breaking science.

When Project M came about, as a young man fascinated by human parts I was immediately intrigued. Something that had never been attempted or even considered was in front of me, staring like a hawk. It was not only physical changes but internal. Something that had never seemed possible.

A mermaid was always desired in society, men wanted them as pets in fishtanks. So far science had molded legs together without success, the human couldn't function and died despite the best efforts of the scientists. But Project M was different. It was recreating a flower like system inside a human, meaning a skin transplant as well as organ extraction. The girl would have her legs molded together, her skin would produce food for her new stomach just from lights and her waste would exit via breathing. A complex system with years of research and dedication. It was just finding the right girl.

I had signed up straight away, my morality not even in tact by that stage. I had never wanted anything more than to be on that project.

Knowing he was right, I sighed and walked back into the room only to be greeted with cold stares. Sam was centre stage, strapped into her chair and everyone was watching her. Inspecting. They were the bidders; after her surgery she would be taken away to live with some billionaire who could do whatever he/she liked to her. I shuddered at the thought and walked over to join the crowd. I had thought about buying her myself just so I could know what was happening but I could never outbid someone who had millions of dollars. I heard mumbling all around me, with people saying things like 'she's too skinny' or 'she's just what I've been looking for'- some men make me sick. Sam's eyes were full of terror and fear, with no clue what was going on I could see she was panicking. It was like we were at the circus and she was our act, but really we were the animals there.

The bidding began with the starting price of $500,000 which slowly climbed its way into the the millions and finally rested on $44 million. Sold to the shady man who had made comments only a few days ago; he smirked at me and I gave him the finger. I hated him with every fiber of my body and I hadn't even met the guy. Who does that? Who buys a teenage girl? Sickos that's who.

I had to drop my weapons, the battle had been done. I had lost.


Poor Aaron he did try really hard

Guys you now know what's happening to Sam, wow take that in!

Did anyone guess it?

Feedback please :3

Have a good day :)

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