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Date: 21th July 2150

Sam's POV

To say I was petrified would be an understatement because at the very moment in time all I could do was stare with wide eyes as he began to do his work. I sat and watched as he prepared himself to kill me, and then to eat my body so no evidence would be left. The beautiful man I had met was nowhere to be seen, hiding behind the mask of a murderer.

The searing pain in my tail was becoming a fast familiar friend, the sensation a warmed welcome. My body was in shock, in overdrive- the systems had been overworked. I had no feelings left to react to what was happening as a man ,who was basically a stranger, dipped a saw into the vat of disinfectant. I should have fought back, reacted, but instead I watched his movements like it was some TV programme. It didn't feel real.

When he waltzed over to my side, I began to shake out of reflex but I still didn't scream and shout which put him off a bit. Shrugging he positioned the saw against my pelvis and began the torture.

Pain ripped through my body with every movement he made, the sound causing me to scream as well. I could hear him driving through the layers of muscle and then reaching the bone as it gave a grating sound that echoed off the walls. He didn't speak or make any noise as he became absorbed in his work, my screams didn't put him off. Each time he stopped I prayed that he wouldn't start again, that he would give up but each time he wiped the blood off his face and continued on. I never grew used to the pain, it seemed to intensify with each second. Building up till I knew that soon I would faint.

Sucking in oxygen I dug my nails so far into my hands I swear I drew blood however that was the least of my issues as some madman slowly hacked off the lower part of my body. Tears fell fast as he cut through me like butter; he now had a rhythm going and I knew that soon he would move onto other parts of my body. I kept hoping that at one minute I would faint and not have to feel it anymore. That I could fall into my eternal slumber.

Suddenly he stood up and admired his handy work, I didn't dare look done in fear of what he had done to me. But temptation drew me in and I looked at the monstrosity he had created. It was all gone, the whole of my tail cut off like it had never been there and all that was left was my torso. No blood poured out, somehow he had managed to make it all clot, probably his 'disinfectant'. It didn't feel real, it was like I was having some horrid nightmare but the pain I felt concluded that it couldn't be. That it was really happening.

I was ready to finally accept my fate when a gun shot pinged through the room and a weight fell to the floor. Whizzing my head around I almost fainted from shock when I saw who was at the door. My Angel in disguise as a brown haired girl. Looking back and forth all I could see was hope. And relief. Blood squirted from the monster on the floor and in the doorway stood a very anxious looking teenage girl. She looked so innocent yet her aim proved otherwise.

So many questions came to me but I didn't have time as she unstrapped me and carried me out the door. Her strength was remarkable, she lifted me like I weighed nothing more than a feather. My last look into that room was hurried but it made a smile appear; he was gone, he couldn't hurt me. I was escaping.

She ran through the corridors like she knew the place inside out and before I knew it we were running through the surrounding forest. Her breathes were slower than mine as we darted through trees and bushes, trying to avoid a complete collision. I was still so confused as to what was happening; one minute I was facing death with open arms and the next I was running away into a forest with a servant I thought was miles away. It was like some action film except I was the main role.

Stopping to catch her breath, she hoisted me up a tree and then climbed up it herself like some monkey. When she was sure that we were covered fully she turned to face me for the first time with her big brown eyes looking more scared than I had ever seen a person look before. She kept looking down as if the dead corpse of Cole would come stumbling into the woods as try and hack at us with a saw. I would have laughed at the idea if it wasn't for her serious face.

"We need to get out of these woods," she muttered to either herself of me- it was hard to tell.

"Will you please tell me what's going on," I whispered in a voice so quiet I was surprised she could hear me. Collecting her thoughts for a second she turned away before finally facing me with a face that looked too old for her age.

"I knew this would happen and despite the others trying to stop me I couldn't let you die Sam. You're needed in this world. So I hid in Cole's car when nobody was looking and travelled down here with you. Pretending to be a maid wasn't hard seeing as there were so many that I could blend in with and nobody could question me. I knew I needed to get you out of there before..." She pointed down at my mutilated body. It looked worse than it felt, the pain had subsided but it could just have been the adrenaline that was coursing through my veins.

"Where now?" I asked breathless from this new information.

"I know somebody that can fix you up," she said and smiled at me. I had an ally... No a friend. I realised then that I didn't even know my saviour's name or anything about her really.

"What's your name?" I asked ,embarrassed that she had risked her life to save me and I didn't even know something basic like her name.

"Isabelle," she said shyly; she reminded me of Jen. They both seemed wise for their years yet hid away when the attention was on them. Suddenly her face lit up and she rummaged around in the bag I only just noticed was slung on her back. Finally she pulled out what looked to be a harness contraption thing and placed it on her back.

"Climb in," she said merrily; the girl was a genius. She had thought of everything down to the last detail. As we wandered cautiously through the woods I reminded myself to be eternally grateful to Isabelle, without her I would be on his plate right now being eaten alive. Instead we were going towards a brighter future.

Before I knew it we were facing a long and winding road, the path to our new future. She looked back and smiles before stepping out of the trees and into the high shrubs that hid us from any passing cars- not that there would be any. The rhythmic pace of her footsteps lulled me into a sleep and I found myself enveloped in a gentle darkness.

I knew that was going to happen *sweats nervously and thanks the lord that I managed to wing it*

Isabelle? Mmm I think I like her :)

Have a nice day y'all :)

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