Jesus is an Experience.

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August 23rd 2023

I always wanted to understand what I felt in my childhood at church when I connected to source God. I wanted an explanation on what I felt when I called out for Jesus. How did I run from it and still it found me? It wasn't in the form of Jesus. How could it have been the same thing? Jesus. 

The word Jesus has so much power it moves mountains (energetically). Those energetic blocks moved by a sincere prayer of a surrendered heart in the name of Jesus. What was that? Did that mean Jesus was God and that we are all under his domain? No. Jesus is a name that carries a lot of power because of the massive thought form and energy given to it by the entire planet. The word has power because it takes us into our heart space immediately. We offer respect and reverence to it, and it then becomes a focal point for great creation, healings, miracles and energetic shifts. 

That heart space can be accessed by every soul on the planet, and we all do it all the time. Could we become aware of how it is done without the use of an entity or energetic field created over the word Jesus? Yes, it can be done. Take a deep breath in. Hold it for 3 seconds and the let go all of the air and release all off your muscles. 

Find the awareness that is behind your thoughts and move it to your heart and feel it expand. Do it again. Do it again. And again. 

Feel the heart expand with each breath. This exercise brings the same feeling you get when you practice reverence and surrender. The same feelings you associate with the name Jesus. Jesus is an experience to be felt not a judge to be feared. He is a focal point, and we have many focal points in our lives. The energy intensity we put into our intentions creates our reality every second of our lives and we are forever creating. 

Fear is a natural happening we feel because of the planet we are on. We choose this planet because of the lessons we learn through the transcendence of fear. Fear is to be integrated and transcended. When that happens, we grow in compassion, Love and Empathy. Our ability to create fulfillment expands exponentially. 

Jesus may be a focal point that works for many souls on Planet right now but what if that name is triggering because you associated many negative judgmental emotions to it from a child? is there a way you can benefit from what it provides as a positive? Yes. 

It is called mind Heart Coherence, and I wrote an article about that on this website. It's simply allowing your awareness to stay in your heart center as it expands and grows into pure bliss. Letting go of the resistance you have to feeling love and feel it fully. Breathing exercises help a lot and can bring up your blocked energetic points on your body where your traumatic memories are held. 

Shadow work helps with releasing the pain and integrating the scared neglected parts of yourself. This would increase the amount of love you are capable of feeling and there we grow and expand. The very thing we came to the Planet for. The word Jesus helps but it isn't the only way to that self-salvation. Surrender and reverence can be felt by all of us without a religious focal. Allow, Let go, Be.

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