Everything was fine.
Her and adrenaline were my only reasons to live,
But I liked it... at least, live wasn't unbearable for me.
But, sometimes, bad things happen
It's what happened yesterday...
I realised that I was a fool, and that since always
I was unable to see what people were good and who were toxic
I should keep my feelings away from bad people and just stop fall in love with stupid guys.
Everything I believed was false
But I ain't disappointed because now I'm almost habituated...
Não sei porquê, mas desde que eu sou pequena,
As pessoas por quem me apaixono são bravas, idiotas ou estranhas
Acho que o melhor é não apaixonar
Ou no mínimo, que não seja meninos
Porquês eles são quase todos maus...
Et voilà petite réflexion de minuit jsp pk c'est dans plusieurs langues. Oh et faut pas faire attention aux fautes chuis pas bilingue ^^
RandomPas forcément pour être lu, c juste quelques textes et poèmes pour me confier à une "plateforme?" De gens