Part 1

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Word count: 728

Summary: What happened over the last few years and dealing with a meteling Green Aspect

Wranings: mentions of death, canon typical violence

A/n: Welcome to part 1 of my Kalecgos soulmate fic. I hope you enjoy it, and remember to hydrate or diedrate.

As an Archdruid my aid was requested in Val'sharah, to aid in fighting the Emerald Nightmare that threatened to invade Azeroth as the Burning Legion was also taking steps to claim the world for a third time. In my time on the Broken Isle I witnessed the fall of my flight's aspect, fearing that in Ysera's absence her daughter Merithra would struggle to keep the other green dragons and the Emerald dream in order, I decided it would be best to enter the Dream and act as an advisor for Merithra.

When I was informed that shortly after Illidan's defeat of Sargeras, Sylvannas and her Horde armies attacked and burned Teldrassil, I was devastated. In the time following the fall of Teldrassil I noticed little change in my soulmate's emotions. The small blue dragon on my wrist simply looked confused, rarely showing other emotions, sometimes it was sad or happy but for the most part the mark showed confusion. I also noticed that my soulmate had a tendency to show concern, it could be from the happenings of the world or even just from reminiscing about before their flight fell apart. Either way feeling bad for likely causing my soulmates confusion and concern I focused on assisting the Dream and restoring it.

After pushing back yet another threat in the Dream, this time creatures of the void, Merithra left to aid the people of Azeroth in stopping yet another threat to the world. When she returned she had quite the story to share. "So Y/n, when I was away helping out with the latest threat to Azeroth I had the most interesting conversation." Merithra started, yes she was the de facto Aspect of the Green Flight, but in our year working to protect the Emerald Dream together we became quite close. "I believe you are really gonna want to hear this." She stated noticing the role of my eye.

"Fine, my lady, what was this interesting conversation?" I said, voice laced with sarcasm at the green haired elf. Turning to fully look at her, taking my focus off the moonkin hatchling I was taking care of.

Her face spread into a wide grin, clearly thinking she had some of the best news ever. "Well, I may or may not have figured out who your soulmate is." She stated matter-of-factly. I just looked at her confused, taking this as a sign she kept going. "To put it shortly I spoke with a Blue dragon whose soulmate mark is a little green dragon on his wrist. He told me about how for a few months after my mother passed and the fall of Teldrassil, his mark appeared depressed and heartbroken. He was confused anytime he looked to it for comfort because it always seemed sad. Figuring that his soulmate was probably close with my mother and the night elves made him think of his own flight and how much it truly hurt for all of them to be separated as they are." She explained what my supposed soulmate explained to her.

Sure, I had been quite depressed following the fall of Ysera and Teldrassil, but there were so many other green dragons who were saddened by the loss of both. Not wanting to get my hopes up, I just brushed her off. "I'm sure that the chances of this Blue dragon being my soulmate are slim, there are so many other Green dragons that were heartbroken over the loss of your mother and Teldrassil. It's likely just a coincidence." I said, turning back to the small moonkin and moving to go elsewhere.

"But I may have told him the same thing, that I knew who his soulmate was after seeing his mark. I also told him I'd have you go meet him in Dalaran." Merithra said as I walked away.

I kept walking while I responded, "Well I guess you lied, cause I'm not having you play matchmaker for me and my soulmate. I love you like a sister Merithra, but I have decided I will meet my soulmate when fate deems it right. Even if he is my soulmate, I'm sure he'll understand." With that I walked faster hoping to avoid further discussion.

"You know he said the same thing when I told him." She shouted after me. I just shook my head not furthering the conversation.

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